Le contenu


December 20, 2012
Johanne Brunet a semi-finalist for the EIU Business Professor of the Year Award
December 18, 2012
Lots new in Executive Education
December 17, 2012
A world-first: an International Arts Management Master’s Degree program
December 17, 2012
A forum to reflect on the importance of universities in the Greater Montréal region
December 14, 2012
The government cutbacks will damage HEC Montréal's international reputation
December 12, 2012
2012 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Contest: seven winning firms originated at HEC Montréal
December 11, 2012
LACED provides access to huge amounts of data
December 5, 2012
Five students win scholarships from the CAIA Association
December 3, 2012
2012 research and teaching awards
November 30, 2012
2012 UFE: Jonathan Dubuc, Quebec Gold Medallist
November 29, 2012
Launch of the Campus Montréal fundraising campaign
November 28, 2012
Research and teaching awards: Richard Déry, Gilbert Laporte and Danny Miller honoured
November 23, 2012
Mario Fortin, 2012 Winner of the Cultural Manager Award
November 19, 2012
MSc student recognized by the United Nations
November 16, 2012
Jean-François Harvey shines in the Étudiants-chercheurs étoiles competition
November 14, 2012
Club Avenir: Jean-Marie Toulouse named exceptional personality of the year
November 12, 2012
An Exceptional Performance in the Google Online Marketing Challenge
November 9, 2012
A $1 million gift from Aimé Quintal
November 8, 2012
New Program for Managers in the Film, Television and Interactive Media
November 5, 2012
EDUlib proves highly popular
October 29, 2012
HEC Montréal comes 30th in the Global Employability Ranking
October 25, 2012
Philémon Rakoto named a CPA, CGA Fellow
October 23, 2012
New Decelles building saluted
October 22, 2012
EDUlib launched
HEC Montréal takes an innovative step: free university courses, available online
October 18, 2012
Danny Miller rewarded once again
October 17, 2012
Over $855,000 in postgraduate scholarships
October 16, 2012
Specialized Graduate Diploma in Marketing Communication: final-year students win awards
October 15, 2012
Paul Lanoie wins the "Finance and Sustainability" European Research Award
October 12, 2012
Nearly $65,000 for scholarships raised at the benefit golf tournament
October 11, 2012
International recognition for our MBA
October 10, 2012
The IAB awards the second trilingual BBA scholarship
October 9, 2012
New partnership between Ina EXPERT and HEC Montréal
October 4, 2012
Guy Paré elected a member of the Royal Society of Canada
October 3, 2012
Media Centre created
October 1, 2012
Nearly $450,000 in grants and scholarships for 24 MSc students
September 28, 2012
Best Paper Award from the AGRH
September 27, 2012
Students from 13 countries in the PhD program
September 21, 2012
Our MSc in the prestigious Financial Times ranking
September 18, 2012
New: BBA Honour Roll
September 12, 2012
EN MASSE creates a public work of art – live!
September 6, 2012
Congratulations to our latest graduates!
September 5, 2012
On the MSc Honour Roll – winter 2012 term
September 4, 2012
An MSc student wins 2nd prize in the Relève en recherche marketing contest
August 30, 2012
Emmanuel Raufflet wins awards from the Academy of Management for two cases
August 23, 2012
Isabelle Le Breton-Miller and Danny Miller win the award for the best paper published in the JMS in 2011
August 23, 2012
Make-up Classes – Provincial Election on September 4, 2012
August 21, 2012
Danny Miller elected a Fellow of the Academy of Management
August 16, 2012
Climate change: Four students become volunteer speakers
August 8, 2012
Michèle Breton elected President of the International Society of Dynamic Games
August 6, 2012
A Citation of Excellence Award from the Emerald Group for three professors
July 31, 2012
SPECQUE Montréal 2012: Four participants from the School
July 19, 2012
New Award of Outstanding Achievement for François Carrillat from the Emerald Literati Network
July 18, 2012
Michel Patry continues his outside commitments
July 12, 2012
A new research unit in accounting
July 11, 2012
Over $2.6 million in research grants
June 28, 2012
2012 Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest: two grand prizes!
June 27, 2012
ASAC Conference: Many prize-winning papers
June 26, 2012
Créateurs d'avenir competition: five HEC Montréal graduates win
June 20, 2012
CEFRIO honours Réal Jacob
June 18, 2012
IT: Manon Guillemette (PhD) and Professor Guy Paré honoured
June 14, 2012
Memorandum of agreement on collaboration with the Conseil des arts de Montréal
June 13, 2012
Taxation Option: Catherine Major achieves the highest GPA
June 12, 2012
Over $15,000 raised for needy students
June 11, 2012
Jean Poitras wins an Emerald Literati Network Award
June 7, 2012
Marlei Pozzebon joins a UNESCO centre
May 29, 2012
Innovation and research in IT management: A five-year partnership with Mouvement Desjardins
May 29, 2012
Schedule for new students admitted in fall 2012
May 24, 2012
Pascal François receives the award for the best article from the Finance Journal
May 23, 2012
IRÉC award for the best thesis goes to Gabriel Tremblay
May 22, 2012
Professor Emeritus Edwin Bourget wins the 2012 Gérard Parizeau Award
May 18, 2012
HEC Montréal places 14th in the AméricaEconomía world ranking
May 15, 2012
Georges Dionne receives the 2012 Marcel Dagenais Award
May 11, 2012
Prix Relève d'Excellence: Honouring alumni 35 and under
May 8, 2012
Five students awarded Lieutenant-Governor's Youth Medals
May 7, 2012
Robert Dutton awarded an honorary PhD
May 2, 2012
Campus Abroad: Almost 150 students head off for 8 destinations
May 1, 2012
HEC Montréal wins two trophies at the International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition
April 20, 2012
Andréanne Simard wins the AFFQ Relève award
April 19, 2012
Two students win a Diplomacy Award at the WorldMUN, a United Nations simulation
April 5, 2012
The School salutes exceptional achievements by its students
April 5, 2012
HEC Montréal vandalized
April 5, 2012
Gilbert Laporte, one of Canada’s most influential management researchers
April 4, 2012
Ryad Titah’s thesis wins more awards
March 30, 2012
Éva Thouvenot-Hébert, Carabins athlete of the year
March 28, 2012
Second place at the School’s interuniversity trading simulation
March 27, 2012
The IJAM earns a place in a prestigious index
March 23, 2012
An MSc student invited to the Universität St. Gallen
March 22, 2012
HEC Montréal takes third place in the 2012 HEC Sustainability Challenge MBA case competition
March 21, 2012
Concerning the request by MSc and PhD students for the cancellation of classes on March 22
Message from the HEC Montréal administration
March 14, 2012
Cultural mentorship: the Chair in Arts Management takes up the reins
March 9, 2012
Jacques Roy, member of the Aerospace Review Advisory Council
March 8, 2012
Philippe d'Astous wins the Award for the best master’s thesis
March 7, 2012
An award for Professor Debbie J. Dupuis
March 2, 2012
HEC Montréal and the ÉTS to host the International Space University’s intensive summer program in 2014
March 1, 2012
HEC Montréal reaches 250 PhDs
February 24, 2012
HEC Montréal and the Ordre des CGA emphasize the importance of diversity in governance
February 22, 2012
The HEC Montréal MBA One of the Best in the World, Says Expansión
February 21, 2012
A $2 million gift from the Peter R.D. MacKell estate
February 20, 2012
HEC Montréal students turn in a great performance on the national CGA-Canada exams
February 17, 2012
The L’Oréal Canada Room opens in the Decelles building
February 14, 2012
HEC Montréal students will represent Quebec at the Americas level of the Global Investment Research Challenge
February 13, 2012
Bertrand Malsch receives a special mention for his doctoral dissertation
February 9, 2012
New Master of Management of Cultural Enterprises degree
February 8, 2012
The first virtual change management expert system
Professor Céline Bareil comes up with an efficient, rigorous methodology
February 6, 2012
First place in the 2012 Financial Open Cup
February 6, 2012
New features in the MSc program for fall 2012
February 2, 2012
On the MSc Honour Roll
January 31, 2012
Three HEC Montréal teams to compete in the Citizen Act game organized by Société Générale
January 24, 2012
A new certificate in information and systems security analysis
January 10, 2012
Non-US MBA programs: HEC Montréal in the top 50 according to Poets & Quants
January 9, 2012
Canadian Transportation Research Forum: Professor Julie Paquette honoured!
January 5, 2012
Maurice Marchon appointed to the Committee on the future of supplementary pension plans

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News > 2012