Academic Council
Council members
HEC Montréal Director
Federico Pasin, director, HEC Montréal
Academic Programs OFFICE
François Bellavance, director, Academic programs
Marc-Antonin Hennebert, director, Faculty affairs
Research and knowledge transfer Office
Caroline Aubé, director, Research and knowledge transfer
Academic Department Heads
- Sébastien Arcand, director, Department of Management
- Michèle Breton, director, Department of Decision Sciences
- Michel Cossette, director, Department of Human Resources Management
- Robert Gagné, director, Department of Applied Economics
- Gary Gebhardt, director, Department of Marketing
- Andrée Lafortune, director, Department of Accounting
- Sylvain Landry, director, Department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Jacques Lemay, director, Department of Finance
- Laurent Simon, director, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Ryad Titah, director, Department of Information Technologies
- Thierry Warin, director, Department of International Business
Academic program Heads
- Kevin Johnson, director, MBA program
- Suzanne Landry, director, Certificate and Graduate diploma programs
- Denis Larocque, director, PhD in Administration program
- Justin Leroux, director, Bachelor of Business Administration program
- Sihem Taboubi, director, Master's programs
Faculty assembly representatives
- Martin Boyer, faculty assembly representative
- Urwana Coiquaud, faculty assembly representative
- Sophie Marmousez, faculty assembly representative
Executive Education
Represented by Faculty affairs office
Non-voting members
- Juan Torres, professor, School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture and Vice Dean for undergraduate programs and executive education
- Johanne Turbide, Secretary General, HEC Montréal
Pierre Trottier, director, Legal Affairs and Committee Secretariat Services