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Le Cercle du directeur

Launched in 2022, the Cercle du Directeur brings together HEC Montréal’s top donors. The generosity of this dedicated group of philanthropists fuels a number of high-profile initiatives undertaken by the School and helps improve the lives and the academic experience of students.

Members of the Cercle du Directeur have donated or pledged to donate $500,000 or more.

cercle du directeur

500000  +

Donation or pledge



An even greater impact for our community


The generosity of our donors makes it possible to make a wider range of digital tools available to students, improve our study facilities and enhance library resources.


Donations have a ripple effect that helps spark innovation and foster the transfer of knowledge to real-world applications. They contribute directly to grooming a new generation of experts and in spreading information outside of academic circles.


Regardless of the type of scholarship, these contributions change lives by opening up new academic pathways, fostering advances in research, cultivating entrepreneurship projects and enabling students to take part in international competitions and exchanges.


The new HEC Montréal building in the heart of downtown Montreal will be a hub of expertise and interaction with the business community. The location will make it easier to connect with executives and professionals, encourage the transfer of knowledge and spur joint innovation with the School’s partners. This initiative will have a positive impact on students, the business community and Quebec society as a whole.

The HEC Montréal Foundation and Alumni Relations Office is proud to acknowledge the unparalleled generosity of the members of the Cercle du Directeur:

  • Members receive a personal invitation to attend various annual events attended by the Director of HEC Montréal and the President and CEO of the Foundation.
  • Members are regularly informed of achievements, developments and major projects at HEC Montréal as well as their impact on the School.

Inspired by the contributions of the Cercle du Directeur?

Our team will work with you to establish a donation strategy that will help you meet your charitable giving goals.

514-340-6896 or 1-888-861-2222 (toll-free)

Alumni + Foundation > Get to know us > Our donor recognition clubs > Cercle du directeur