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Scholarship awards ceremony at HEC Montréal: a surge of generosity fueling a better tomorrow

May 2, 2024

More than $1,200,000 Awarded in Scholarships and Bursaries to Recognize Excellence, Involvement, and Perseverance Among the HEC Montréal Student Community

Remise de bourses hiver 2024

The HEC Montréal Foundation and Alumni Relations Office is delighted to share the outstanding results from its scholarship awards celebrations, held on April 29 and 30. The generous contributions of the HEC Montréal Foundation donors took center stage when 444 admission, encouragement, international exchange and academic excellence scholarships were presented for the Winter 2024 term.

With a completely revamped format and amidst a warm atmosphere, the scholarship awards ceremony debuted with a networking session, providing scholarship recipients with the opportunity to engage with their invaluable allies and express their gratitude wholeheartedly.

Profoundly moved by the generosity of the donating community, the President and CEO of the HEC Montréal Foundation, Mr. Michel Party, also addressed the audience to emphasize the importance of their endowment.

"The unwavering support shown by the HEC Montréal community for our students never ceases to amaze us. It is undeniable that these scholarships are an important lever to propel the next generation of leaders. For many, this support represents the key they need to pursue their studies. Thank you for enabling HEC Montréal students to dream bigger, and thereby contribute to the advancement of the society as a whole."

The HEC Montréal Foundation and Alumni Relations Office wishes to congratulate all the scholarship recipients for the Winter 2024 term, who have distinguished themselves through their grades, their journey, their involvement, and their ambitions. Whether it is enabling them to study abroad, pursue their studies under optimal conditions, build their own businesses, or embark on the path of innovative research, scholarships have the power to transform life trajectories. The significant contribution from our esteemed community of donors also deserves acknowledgment and celebration. Their contributions are vital in shaping the next generation of leaders and setting aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders on the path toward a brilliant career, both locally and internationally.


Alumni + Foundation > News > 2024 > Scholarship awards ceremony at HEC Montréal: a surge of generosity fueling a better tomorrow