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Case Centre

Editorial process

Once a case has been submitted by the authors, it goes through the following steps of the editorial process:


Initial assessment e-mail: Authors receive an initial assessment e-mail within two weeks of submitting their case. If the case is deemed unsuitable for publication, the process ends here. If the case is deemed suitable, the following steps apply. 

+  Acceptance criteria

In accordance with the Journal’s Editorial Policy, the criteria for acceptance of cases are as follows:

  • Pedagogical value
  • International scope
  • Quality of the form
  • Detailed teaching notes
  • Authorization of the company (if applicable)
  • Language: French or English

Reasons for rejection of a case


Case sent for peer review: The editor selects two or three reviewers with expertise in the theme(s) addressed in the case. These reviewers have four to six weeks to submit their evaluation report (if the reviewers are contacted at the start of summer, the time frame for returning their report can be extended to up to two months).

Evaluations of cases and TN

+  Instructions for reviewers and Review grid

  • Make sure you separate your comments on the case from those on the teaching notes (two distinct sections);
  • Begin by highlighting the strengths or positive aspects of the case or teaching notes. What did you like?
  • There is no need to summarize the case at the beginning of your report;
  • Try to be constructive in your criticism, notably by proposing possible options or solutions to the problems or weaknesses observed;
  • Avoid steering the case away from the teaching objectives established by the authors;
  • Adopt a respectful and polite tone;
  • Be coherent: your detailed comments to the authors should be consistent with your general recommendation to the editor. For example, if you point out one or two weaknesses to the authors, but you recommend rejection of the case to the editor, then you are not being coherent. The same is true if you report major problems in the case or teaching notes in your detailed report, but your recommendation to the editor is “Accept without revision”;
  • Make sure that the authors cannot identify you when reading your report.

Please use the following review grid for your review report: Review grid



Editorial decision #1:  Based on the evaluation reports and on his/her own assessment of the case, the editor makes an editorial decision corresponding to one of the following three recommendations:
  1. Accepted with minor revisions: The authors must make the requested changes and return the revised version of the case and teaching notes within one month;
  2. Revise and resubmit: The authors must make the requested changes and resubmit the case and teaching notes within three months;
  3. Rejected.
Instructions for authors
Most common requests for revisions


Editorial decision #2: Based on the revised version of the case and teaching notes and on the author’s letter detailing the changes made, the editor makes a second editorial decision. If major changes have been made, the editor may ask for the opinion of the reviewers. The editor will make one of the following recommendations:

  1. Accepted;
  2. Additional changes requested: The authors must make the requested changes and return the newly revised version of the case and teaching notes within one month;
  3. Rejected.

Instructions for authors

Step #4 is repeated in the event that additional changes are requested.


Once the case and notes have been accepted, authors must complete and sign the Copyright Declaration. The Journal’s editorial team will then do a linguistic revision and formatting of the documents. The authors will be asked to approve the suggested corrections rapidly.

Copyright Policy


As soon as they have been finalized, the case and teaching notes will be posted online on the Journal’s website and deposited in the HEC Montréal Case Centre e-Catalogue. At this point, the documents can be accessed by Case Centre subscribers in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions of use. The case will then be published in the next issue of the IJCSM.

Terms of use

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