Dual degree – University of Melbourne

Limited admission (2 spots available per year), open to all students admitted to HEC Montréal’s Master of Science (MSc) – Operations and Supply Chain Management.
Important dates
Application deadline | 15 février |
School year begins at HEC Montréal | August |
Applicant reference check with partners | March 1 |
Pre-departure meeting | May |
Term begins in Melbourne | July |
The academic calendar is different in Australia: Your courses will begin as soon as you finish the first year of your program at HEC Montréal. The first compulsory term is from July to November, the second from February to June. Learn more
Successfully complete the first year of the Master of Science (MSc) – Operations and Supply Chain Management program at HEC Montréal.
By the end of the first term, meet the following conditions:
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Show proof of English proficiency in one of the following ways:
- Advanced level on the HECTOPE test (page in French only);
- A minimum score of 6.5 on the IELTS test
- Completion one year of postsecondary studies entirely in English
- Curriculum vitae
- Cover letter (500-word minimum)
- Transcript from your BBA and your first term in the MSc program
- Application form, available February 1 to February 15
Information session
Next information session in OCTOber 2023

Contact Marie-Eve Porlier
Student Advisor – Mobility Programs
514 340-3671