International > International pathways > BBA

BBA – International Pathway

"Upon arriving at HEC Montréal, I was welcomed into a world of unlimited opportunities, with each day offering a new canvas to paint my success."
– Lisa Rouar

HEC Montréal and several other schools have partnered to offer students recognized international pathways that are outward looking and encourage initiative. Through these partnerships, students can pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at HEC Montréal and earn two degrees to demonstrate their skills as future managers.

Program Overview

  • This academic program starts in your home country and will take 4 to 5 years to complete.
  • There are several formulas, depending on the agreement; arrival in Montréal after one, two, or three years of study at one or two partner universities (BBA 1+1+2; BBA 2+2; or BBA 3+2).
  • The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program focuses on the organizational functions: developing analytical, synthesis and problem-solving skills, and incorporating the latest management theories. Students can choose from 15 specializations.
  • Students gain practical experience (e.g., case studies, simulations, professional internships, practitioner conferences, trading room projects, course projects and intensive IT use) and are able to build a contact network.
  • They develop skills that are cross-cutting and intercultural: creativity, autonomy, leadership, teamwork, bilingual written and verbal communication, and business ethics.
  • The program has a unique, multilingual approach, with several possible streams: French, bilingual (French-English), and Francization.
  • Students can take part in Campus Abroad courses and international internships.
  • A special team provides support for students navigating important steps (e.g., enrolment, the immigration process and adapting to social, cultural and university life).


Receive an HEC Montréal degree

HEC Montréal, an internationally renown management school, allows students admitted to the International Pathway to earn a North American bachelor degree in business administration.

Equivalencies and course content

  • HEC Montréal and partner schools have mapped out the program courses to allow for course equivalencies and ensure that students have identical foundations no matter the country in which they began their program.
  • A few HEC Montréal professors give courses at the partner schools that will prepare students for our methods and learning tools.
Program Characteristics
Fall term
Two or three years
Undegraduate (Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA only)


Contact our team.
+1 514 340-3595