35 universities and student associations launch the first provincial campaign: "Sans oui, c’est non!"
March 14, 2016
The representatives of 16 university establishments and 19 university student associations representing close to 185,000 students and more than 50,000 employees, are preparing to launch a provincial campaign aimed at student awareness about sexual harassment, violence and consent. The campaign slogan is "Sans oui, c’est non!".
For many years, the topic of sexual violence has made its way into the public's eye through various media coverage. More specifically, this problem has been shown to be present in many universities all over the world. This shines a light on the importance of developing common strategies to fight sexual violence on Quebec campuses and to modify student's behaviours and views with regards to sexual consent and violence.
The campaign "Sans oui, c’est non!" was created in December 2014 from a collaboration between Université de Montréal, its Center for harassment intervention, BIMH, and its student federation, FAÉCUM. This campaign aims to prevent sexual violence including harassment, aggressions and other inappropriate sexual conducts by using awareness tools directed to the communities of all of our universities. The campaign brings to light the question of sexual consent and identifies the resources that are available. The campaign's two spokespersons are rapper Koriass and columnist Véronique Grenier.
Over the next few weeks, the universities will deploy many messages and awareness tools in order to advance toward their goal of creating campus environments which are free of unacceptable behaviours.
Source: FAÉCUM