2017 research and teaching awards
November 23, 2017
HEC Montréal rewarded its faculty for their excellence at the 2017 research and teaching awards ceremony, on November 22.
Eleven awards were presented this year, including the 2017 Pierre Laurin Award for excellence in research, which went to Suzanne Rivard.
Research awards
Chenelière Éducation/Gaëtan Morin Award
For the excellence of scientific and professional publications by an associate professor over the past three years.
Nicolas Sahuguet
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Economics

New Researcher Award
For the excellence of scientific and professional publications by a career-track assistant professor or guest professor, over the past three years.
Yossiri Adulyasak
Assistant Professor
Department of Logistics and Operations Management

Teaching excellence awards
The award winner is recognized by his or her peers and students for constantly striving to improve his or her teaching performance, to create an environment conducive to students' intellectual development and to instil in them the desire to excel and work hard.
Non-career-track assistant or guest professor
Luciano Barin Cruz
Associate Professor
Department of Management

Career-track assistant or guest professor
Gwyneth Edwards
Assistant Professor
Department of International Business

Full-time Lecturer

Awards for teaching materials - textbook and innovation
François-Albert-Angers Award
Recognizing the quality of a textbook written in French by one or more professors, researchers, full-time faculty lecturers or full-time lecturers, and published during the year. To be eligible, the textbook must be intended for use in one or more courses.
Julien Le Maux
Associate Professor
Department of Accounting Studies
Gouvernance, qualité de l’information financière et fraude

Roger-Charbonneau Award
This award recognizes the quality of a book written in a language other than French and published during the year, or one not specifically intended for use in one or more courses, by one or more professors, researchers, full-time faculty lecturers or full-time lecturers.
Ann Langley
Full Professor
Department of Management
Charidimos Tsoukas
University of Cyprus and University of Warwick
The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies

Teaching Innovation Award
Pour la plus innovante réalisation pédagogique conçue et mise en œuvre par un ou des professeurs, chercheurs, attachés ou maîtres d’enseignement au cours de l’année.
Sylvie St-Onge
Full Professor
Department of Management
Corinne Prost
Department of Management
Les groupes de codéveloppement en classe : enseigner et apprendre en misant sur l’expérience

Business case writing awards
Alma-Lepage Award
This award recognizes the authors of business cases featuring one or more women managers.
Franck Barès
Associate Professor
Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
La passion d’Anne-Sophie Riopel : l’aventure d’une jeune pilote d’avion devenue entrepreneure

Best Business Case Award
This award salutes the quality of a case published in the International Journal of Case Studies in Management.
Léo Vincenti
MSc 2016
Jacques Roy
Full Professor
Department of Logistics and Operations Management
Bolloré Logistics Canada et l’utilisation des Incoterms en transport maritime international

Line Dubé, Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Case Studies in Management, accepted the award on behalf of Jacques Roy and Léo Vincenti.