Our BBA students are tops down under
SDS Business Case Competition
September 1, 2017

Photo : The winning HEC Montréal team in New Zealand—Stéphanie Llewellyn, Antoine Lapointe, Claudia Trudeau and William Beaudry—along with their coach, Professor René Gendreau.
A team of HEC Montréal students has just won the Student Development Society (SDS) Business Case Competition, in Queenstown, New Zealand. BBA students Stéphanie Llewellyn, Antoine Lapointe, Claudia Trudeau and William Beaudry took top honours in the fourth and final day of this international competition.
The SDS Business Case Competition is run in close collaboration between 6 New Zealand universities. Contending teams have to analyze the business cases submitted to them and present their solutions to a jury of 1 university professor and 4 representatives from the business community. The first phase in the competition is at the national level, as teams from the 6 universities compete against one another in three national rounds. Then the organizers invite 6 teams from universities around the world — including HEC Montréal this year—to compete against the national winners in the final international round.
The competition was launched in 2010 and is open to undergraduate students under age 25. This was HEC Montréal’s first time at the event.