A new Chair in the Mobilization of Individuals, Groups and Organizations
September 27, 2017

HEC Montréal Director Michel Patry is pleased to announce a new Chair in the Mobilization of Individuals, Groups and Organizations, to be held by Professor Michel Tremblay of the Department of Human Resources Management.
The mission of this new Chair, the only one of its kind in Canada, is to contribute to advancing knowledge regarding the causes and effects of, and contexts conducive to, mobilizing individuals and groups within public and private organizations and associations.
Mobilization is one of Professor Tremblay’s main research interests. He defines it as “a critical mass of employees or groups taking positive discretionary action that benefits others and the organization and works toward a common goal.”
Data Contributing to Research
Professor Tremblay notes that this appointment coincides with the recent award of a $2 million grant, shared with Professor Yani Grégoire and under the direction of Professor Christian Vandenberghe. This funding will allow the team to create a panel of potential respondents for collecting management research data over a five-year period (see the news item from August 22, 2017).
About Michel Tremblay
Michel Tremblay specializes in strategic human resources management and the mobilization of employees in service and retail businesses. His teaching concerns mainly compensation, mobilization of human resources and human resources management theory. He holds a Master’s in Management (MSc) from HEC Montréal and a PhD in Management Science from the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises in Aix-Marseille, France.
Until recently, he held the HEC Omer DeSerres Chair of Retailing. That Chair is currently vacant, but a new appointment will be announced this year.