Partnership: HEC Montréal and emlyon business school team up to offer a dual degree
November 8, 2018

Federico Pasin, Secretary General of HEC Montréal, Tugrul Atamer, Vice Dean, emlyon business school, Catherine Feuillet, Consul General of France in Montreal, and Michel Patry, Director of HEC Montréal.
HEC Montréal has just signed an agreement with emlyon business school to allow students from both institutions to earn a dual degree when they complete part of their program in the other city.
This means that Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) students at HEC Montréal will be able to obtain an MSc in Management – Grande Ecole, along with their bachelor’s degree, if they replace their final year in Montréal with two successful years at the emlyon business school.
Similarly, emlyon business school students working toward an MSc in Management – Grande Ecole will also be able to obtain a Master of Science (MSc) from HEC Montréal, by completing their last year of coursework in Montreal, in one of the six specializations listed in the agreement:
- Global supply chain management
- International business
- Business analytics
- User experience in a business context
- Finance
- Financial engineering
Starting in fall 2019, a pilot project will let four students from each School benefit from this agreement. The program will then be available every year to ten students from each institution, for the following three years.
A Longstanding Partnership
“We’ve been working with the emlyon business school for many years now,” says HEC Montréal Director Michel Patry. “Over time, exchanges, collaborative projects and partnership agreements have led to a variety of joint activities.”
These activities include:
- joint research;
- projects based on shared expertise, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship and innovation;
- joint activities as part of the Entretiens Jacques-Cartier (participation in symposia and other events).
Note that HEC Montréal has dual degree agreements with the University of Melbourne in Australia, Bocconi in Italy and ESCP in France.