Postdoctoral Researcher Jessica Rodríguez-Pereira receives INFORMS Award
November 7, 2019

Postdoctoral fellow Jessica Rodríguez-Pereira won the SOLA* Best Paper Award at the annual meeting of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) held in Seattle from October 19 to 23, 2019. INFORMS is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to operations research, management science and analytics.
In her award-winning paper, titled Exact Solution of Several Families of Location-Arc Routing Problems, the author models and solves several types of combined location-arc routing problems. The aim in solving these problems is to select the facility locations and construct a set of routes traversing the required edges, where each route starts and ends at the same facility.
The paper is based on the author’s thesis, New Models and Algorithms for Several Families of Arc Routing Problems, which she completed under the joint supervision of Professor Gilbert Laporte and Professor Elena Fernández Aréizaga of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain.
* SOLA: Section on Location Analysis