Ekaterina Turkina and David Doloreux to hold new research chairs
June 1, 2020
HEC Montréal is pleased to announce two new research chairs. The Chair in Global Innovation Networks will be directed by Associate Professor Ekaterina Turkina, while the Chair in Innovation and Regional Development will be held by Full David Doloreux.
The two appointments took effect on June 1, 2020.
Global Innovation Networks
This Chair will look at the relational aspects of businesses, more specifically issues relating to international inter-organizational networks.
The research work by Ekaterina Turkina and her team will focus on:
- analyses of different types of inter-organizational networks and their implications in terms of performance and innovation
- the effects of global business networks on geographic territories and locations
- methodological advances in the analysis of inter-organizational networks
Note that the Chair’s research program includes creating and updating structured databases on inter-firm links. Such resources are not currently available, and will be very useful for the School’s student community and the entire academic and practitioner community.
Innovation and Regional Development
This Chair’s research will be aimed at better understanding the nature and geography of models of innovation and industrial dynamics in different regional contexts.
Its research will revolve around three main themes:
- innovation as a knowledge-based process
- open and collaborative innovation
- transforming innovation into growth
Through these three themes, Professor Doloreux and his team will explore how innovation is created, developed and disseminated on a territorial level. By addressing different perspectives – organizational, spatial and political – they will also study how the innovation process is structured on a territorial scale.
About the Chairholders
Ekaterina Turkina holds a PhD in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh. Her teaching and research interests focus mainly on analyses of networks and of economic complexity, cross-border business networks, industrial clusters and the political context. She has been a Professor at HEC Montréal since 2010, and has been recognized several times by international organizations for the quality of her scientific contributions. In 2019, she won the Chenelière Éducation/Gaëtan Morin Research Award in recognition of the excellence of her scientific and/or professional publications.
David Doloreux holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Development from the University of Waterloo, and did postdoctoral studies at Lund University, in Sweden. His teaching and research interests mainly concern industrial clusters and regional innovation systems, regional economic development and public policy. He has been a Full Professor at HEC Montréal since 2016. He was previously a professor at the Telfer School of Management of the University of Ottawa, where he held a Research Chair in Canadian Francophonie in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development.