Michel Patry one of the new EFMD Fellows
August 18, 2020

Michel Patry is one of the new regional Fellows of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).
The European organization created to promote management development and education recently appointed a team of 18 associates around the world. Michel Patry is the only Canadian in this select group, and one of two Fellows representing the North American region.
He received this honour in recognition of his exceptional contribution to management education, as well as his long-standing support of and dedication to the EFMD network.
As a Fellow, the former HEC Montréal Director and current President and CEO of the HEC Montréal Foundation will take part in the EFMD mission of elevating the value of management education and development by promoting business schools and the role played by the business community in society.
EFMD decided to appoint this new group of experts in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, “to remain a strong and supportive community, rooted in local communities and supporting schools of all types,” as explained on the Foundation’s website.
EFMD is recognized globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programs and corporate universities. In particular, it awards the EQUIS accreditation to business and management schools.
HEC Montréal is one of 118 institutions worldwide to hold this accreditation.