Denis Chênevert joins the Board of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec
May 7, 2020

Denis Chênevert,Professor of Human Resources Management and Director of the Health Research Centre (Pôle santé), has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec.
« This appointment is a mark of confidence in the Pôle santé and indirectly in the role played by HEC Montréal in health issues,” emphasized Professor Chênevert. “In the current context, we are very happy to be able to join forces with the Institute. Since late March it has become a hub for monitoring and tracking COVID-19 data in Quebec. With all our work on the psychological health of caregivers, health trajectories, obstacles to innovation in the health field, value-oriented health systems and hospital logistics, we have highly relevant expertise to contribute. »
About Professor Chênevert
Denis Chênevert holds a PhD in Management from Université Toulouse I and an MSc in Human Resources Management from HEC Montréal. He has been a Professor at the School since 2004 and Director of the Health Research Centre (Pôle santé) since 20162016.
He is a member of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec, and received the Highly Commended Paper Award from the Journal of Health Organization and Management in 2013, as well as the François-Albert Angers Award from HEC Montréal in 2009. His recent research focuses mainly on the connections between the work environment, absenteeism, professional burnout, turnover rates and individual and organizational performance. He has published a number of papers in prestigious international journalsprestigieuses.
About the INSPQ
The INSPQ was created in 1998 as an expertise and reference centre for public health in Quebec. Its goals are to advance knowledge and propose cross-sectoral strategies and endeavours that will improve the health and well-being of Quebeckers.
Its mission is to support Quebec’s Minister of Health and Social Services, regional public health authorities, and health and social services institutions in carrying out their public health responsibilities, by offering its expertise and specialized laboratory and screening services. Since late March, seven days a week, the Institute has been receiving a wealth of data concerning the pandemic from regional public health authorities and the MSSS.