HEC Montréal is equipped with a policy on equity, diversity and inclusion
November 11, 2020

One of the consultation workshops organized in the winter of 2020 with members of the HEC Montréal
HEC Montréal is pleased to announce its first policy on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). With this gesture, the School commits to implementing a meaningful and structured approach for the present and future, and to instilling a culture of respect and collaboration in all of its activities.
After launching an action plan in the fall of 2019, HEC Montréal has made further strides in becoming equipped with an explicit EDI policy.
“We recognize that much work still needs to be done to reach, among other things, a level of diversity all throughout our campus that is representative of the society in which we live. In addition to our objective of becoming more inclusive and equitable, this one is also very dear to us, as it offers each person the opportunity to exploit their full potential. It constitutes a pledge to enrich our community as a whole,” declares HEC Montréal’s Director, Federico Pasin.
Developed following consultations with members of the community, the policy aims to have tangible and durable effects through creating and maintaining study, work and living environments that are respectful and devoid of all forms of discrimination.
The commitments and fields of application of this policy touch upon the School’s procedures, tools, and rules and regulations, as much as its pedagogical approach, and the behaviours of the members of its community and third parties carrying out business with HEC Montréal or one of its units. The document also stipulates modes of intervention, should any situations that counter the adopted provisions arise.