Tolga Cenesizoglu, new Director of the Canadian Derivatives Institute
July 28, 2020
Professor Tolga Cenesizoglu is to be the new Director of the Canadian Derivatives Institute, starting August 1.
During his renewable three-year term, until May 31, 2023, he will be responsible for
- defining the Institute’s strategic orientations,
- developing collaborative projects with the industry (consulting mandates, research, etc.),
- promoting the Institute within the business community and professional associations, and
- working to renew its funding.
“My predecessor, Professor Pascal François, did an excellent job,” says Professor Cenesizoglu. “We are currently faced with a unique environment presenting both challenges and opportunities – for instance, the possibility of offering all our training online. I am delighted to have the chance to work with the Institute’s committed team, to continue its work in the present context and in the future.”
Launched in 2011 in co-operation with the Quebec government, the Canadian Derivatives Institute promotes the sound use of derivative instruments, reinforces the expertise of stakeholders and contributes to the development of the risk management and derivatives sectors across Canada.
To do so it offers a training program and seminars, holds an annual research support competition and an annual conference attracting some of the best academic experts, and issues working papers based on the projects it supports.

About the new Director
Tolga Cenesizoglu holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California, and has been a professor at the School since 2006. His fields of interest in teaching and research concern mainly portfolio and risk management, asset pricing, financial econometrics, machine learning, big data and market microstructure.