Two students rewarded for their interest in investment
April 29, 2020
Two HEC Montréal students have won CFA Montréal scholarships for their academic achievements and their remarkable involvement in the investment community. The scholarships are offered by partners of the organization. The two are Sophie Chabanne-Salbaing, in the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program, and François Huynh, in the MBA program.
These future financial leaders, both aiming for the title of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), the highest distinction in this industry, received $2,500 from the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec and $1,250 from the Montréal Alternative Investment Forum, respectively.
Soulignons que la moitié des bourses remises par CFA Montréal, qui totalisent 12 500 $ annuellement, sont attribuées à des candidates afin d’encourager une meilleure représentativité des femmes dans l’industrie de l’investissement.
More information on CFA scholarships

Sophie Chabanne-Salbaing

François Huynh (credit photo : Olivier Ouimet)