News > 2021 > Essentials of MBA: many agreements reached with international partners

Essentials of MBA: many agreements reached with international partners

September 14, 2021


HEC Montréal has signed many new international partnerships to offer its ongoing Essentials of MBA program, which aims to equip teams of professionals, managers, and business executives with the most advanced knowledge of management concepts.

Devised for clientele that is based abroad, the program consists of 2 options: the online format (EsMBAo), created over the past few months to provide distance education; and the regular format (EsMBA), offered in person, in each partner’s respective country.

Due to the global pandemic this year, the in-person format will unfold online, for the 2 partners who have selected that option.


Information about our partners

Name of the partner
Format selected
Participants in the training program
Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union EsMBAo Managers of member organizations of this association
Compagnie de bauxites de Guinée (CBG) EsMBA Managers of CBG
Fondation Africaine pour l'Éducation EsMBAo Managers of various companies in the Republic of the Congo and surrounding region
MDI-Algiers Business School EsMBAo Managers of various Algerian companies
Mediterranean School of Business (MSB) EsMBA Managers of various Tunisian companies
Société Nationale de Distribution des Pétroles - AGIL EsMBAo Managers of 12 Tunisian companies in the energy, mining, and transportation sectors


Essentials of MBA is one of HEC Montréal’s internationally accessible flagship programs. It is rooted in practicality and flexibility to accommodate the lifestyles of managers who are already employed.

Groups are comprised of some thirty participants from one or multiple companies. Content is therefore tailored to a given sector of activity of a group of companies, or to the needs of a specific company, and to the regional issues faced by the respective managers.

The EsMBA offers 8 seminars representing a total of 150 course hours. When carried out in person, the program is taught by faculty members of the School, in 3-day blocks over the course of 8 to 10 months. The EsMBAo consists of a more condensed training program, designed to unfold exclusively online, for a total of 90 course hours.

The EsMBA has existed since 2011. So far, over 20 groups worldwide have been enrolled in its training programs.

Discover all our international training programs for managers