HEC Montréal takes 1st place at the Jeux du Commerce
This year’s edition held online
January 12, 2021
The HEC Montréal delegation that competed in the 33rd Jeux du Commerce last weekend can be proud not only of taking part in the first virtual edition of this interuniversity competition, but also of winning 1st place overall.
The event, organized by the UQAM École des sciences de la gestion (ESG), was held from January 8 to 10 and brought together over 700 competitors from 11 universities all over eastern Canada. HEC Montréal was represented by 60 Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) students this year. The School’s teams took 1st, 2nd or 3rd place no fewer than 15 times in the different disciplines of the academics, sports, social and participation components.
Our teams turned in excellent performances in all events drawing on their academic knowledge, each time presenting aspects relating to sustainable development, diversity and corporate social responsibility.
The 2021 delegation was co-ordinated by student Kevin Nicholls, of the student competitions committee (CCHEC), with support from Audrey Bond, as well as from Anne Bourhis and Jean-François St-Pierre, of the inter-university competitions department.
They expressed their thanks to the nearly 200 alumni who helped our competitors prepare, throughout the fall term.
HEC Montréal students Justine Durand-Tremblay, Matthew Pellicer and Maëlys Guenescheau making a presentation to 5 judges, in an event during the 33rd Jeux du Commerce.
Our delegation’s results, by competition
Category |
Place |
Surprise Case |
3rd |
International Business |
3rd |
Accounting |
2nd |
Debate |
2nd |
Finance |
3rd |
Operations and Logistics Management |
1st |
Human Resources Management |
3rd |
Academic Cup (overall score for this component) |
3rd |
Category |
Place |
Formula 1 – women Formula 1 – men (driving simulation on Formula 1 Grand Prix circuits) |
1st 1st
Zwift – women Zwift – men (cycling race simulation on stationary bikes) |
2nd 1st |
Sports Cup (overall score for this component) |
1st |
Category |
Place |
Engagement social |
2e |
participation |
Category |
Place |
Participation |
1st |
Delegation members, by discipline
Interactive Case: Gabriel Dasté, Alexia Fillion-Lauzon, Charlène Grept and Gabriel Lussier
Coach: René Gendreau
Surprise Case: Célia Barbotte, Matthew Pellicer and Laurie-Anne St-Pierre
Coaches: Anne Bourhis, Benoit Comeau and Jean-François St-Pierre
International Business: Sanna Bhallil, Klaudianne Provost and Jonathan Reiter
Coaches: Aurélie Michaud and Viviana Pilato
Accounting: Antoine Campeau Vallerand, Elizabeth Lauzon and Nicolas Richard
Coaches: Sébastien Chung, Ludovic Coderre, François D’Anjou and Sonia Molleyres
Debate: Laurence Carbonneau, Justine D’Amours, Paul Engelmann and Mathieu Vendette
Coaches: Jérôme Brun-Picard, Céline Gemmel and Benjamin Goldfarb.
Sustainable Development: Béatrice Antoziak, Jasmin Petit and Délia Van Robaeys
Coach: Stéphanie Leverdier
Finance: Simon Constantineau, Élodie Gauthier and Louis Pichet
Coach: Shady Aboul-Enein
Operations and Logistics Management: Patrick Gilbert, Audrey Kaine and Yanick Lepage
Coaches: Valérie Bélanger and Julie Paquette
Human Resources Management (HRM): Maëlle Farley, Simone Longtin-Kahane and Noémie Montplaisir
Coach: Anne Bourhis
Entrepreneurship: Laurie Olivier, Béatrice Cliche and Cécile Tarres
Coaches: Camille Lavictoire-Boulianne and Jean-François St-Pierre
Marketing: Justine Durand-Tremblay, Maëlys Guenescheau and Matthew Pellicer
Coaches: Bertrand Sinniger and Jean-François St-Pierre
Participation: Victoria Allen, Alison Lessard, Catherine Deveau, Megane De Repentigny, Méganne Bériault, William Huard, Kevin St-Arnaud, Eve Ehouarne, Grégoire Mulin, Jeanne Lemonde-Trudeau, Anne-Sophie Lachapelle and Valeria Sofia
Business Strategy: Célia Barbotte, Eugénie Lemieux Martin and Laurie-Anne St-Pierre
Coaches: Benoit Comeau and Clément Leclerc.
Social: Mathilde Coutu, Justine Aubry, Olivier Koclas and Émile Remington-Molgat
Coaches: Safia Lukawecki and Raphaëlle Bolduc
Organizational Information Systems: Karl Boyce, Alexandre Dupont and Mila Maria Poisson Recasens
Coach: Bogdan Negoita
Formula 1: Alexis Delisle, Arthur Lachieze-Rey, Gabrielle Lamarre and Alyson Guy
Coach: Charles-Étienne Thériault
Zwift: Émilie Léveillé, Raphaël Plante, Maxime Ratté and Gaspard Vié
Coach: Philippe Bourdeau
Delegation ambassadors: Béatrice Bernier-Roy and Jérémie Gagnon