News > 2022 > More research and knowledge transfer activities at the School in 2020-2021

More research and knowledge transfer activities at the School in 2020-2021

March 30, 2022

The 2020-2021 report by the Research and Knowledge Transfer Office (DRT) illustrates the School’s continuing strength and growing leadership in research and knowledge transfer, both nationally and internationally.

First of all, the report notes that total funding for research and knowledge transfer activities rose significantly, reaching $35.5 million, or $39 million if all knowledge transfer activities are included.



The School’s researchers performed well in federal funding competitions. Their success rate in these competitions is 58% over 5 years, exceeding the provincial and national averages.

In addition to federal government grants, new funding was provided by HEC Montréal itself, as well as the provincial and municipal governments.

There were 70 projects funded through the Mitacs platform, linking the private sector and institutions of higher education, up by 34 from the previous year.


New research chairs and groups

HEC Montréal launched 2 new research hubs:

In addition, 4 new research chairs were created, along with 7 new research professorships.

The School now has a total of 31 research hubs and knowledge transfer groups, 36 research chairs and 35 research professorships.



All in all, 242 scientific articles were published by HEC Montréal authors in 2020-2021, 29 of them in prestigious journals ranked in the Financial Times or University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) lists.

Editorial activities in scientific journals by faculty members reached a peak of 177, up sharply from the 3 previous years.

Our researchers also made a record contribution to books, with 86 chapters written by members of our scientific community.



Many HEC Montréal faculty members can be proud of the considerable influence of their work in their fields of research. In fact, 16 full professors have accumulated upwards of 5,000 citations of the course of their careers:

  • Benoit Aubert
  • François Bellavance
  • Patrick Cohendet
  • Jean-François Cordeau 
  • Jacques Desrosiers 
  • Georges Dionne 
  • David Doloreux
  • Isabelle Le Breton-Miller
  • Danny Miller
  • Guy Paré
  • Suzanne Rivard
  • Linda Rouleau
  • Sylvain Sénécal
  • Christian Vandenberghe
  • Hinrich Voss
  • Georges Zaccour

The School also stands out for its research influence, as one of the world’s 100 most prolific business schools for the number of research publications, according to the 2020-2021 ranking by the UTD.

Read the entire 2020-2021 DRT annual report (in French)