News > 2022 > The SEED network of the IDEOS hub saluted for its social impact and international development

The SEED network of the IDEOS hub saluted for its social impact and international development

2nd place in the Going BEYOND Awards

November 16, 2022

The SEED network of the HEC Montréal IDEOS hub took 2nd place in the Going BEYOND Awards, an international competition held jointly by the Global Business School Network (GBSN) and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).

The goal of the competition is to highlight initiatives and programs that have demonstrated a positive impact on society beyond the traditional degree programs offered by institutions and academic research published in journals. Over 50 universities from 31 countries entered.

SEED (Scaling Entrepreneurship for Economic Development) is a cross-sectoral partnership involving the IDEOS hub at HEC Montréal, Desjardins International Development (DID), international funding agencies, local partners and research teams from the University of Navarra, the University of Alberta and Penn State University. Its main mission is to mobilize research for the scaling of micro-enterprises, in Canada and internationally, and so demonstrate the influence of research on society.

More specifically, the SEED network has 2 objectives:

  • Understand the scaling of businesses in different entrepreneurial ecosystems.
  • Create a knowledge transfer program

Prix pour le Réseau SEED du pôle IDEOS HEC Montréal

Women entrepreneurs participating in the SEED project, organized in partnership with the local organization Finanfuturo, in Manizales, Colombia.

To date, 4 projects have been carried out in Colombia, Haiti, Sri Lanka and Tunisia, supporting over 10,000 entrepreneurs.


“This award is recognition of the importance for universities in general – and business schools especially – to act as catalysts for projects combining research, teaching and social impact. SEED lets us co-create training programs with local players, to provide this training for people normally living in marginal circumstances, and to use the data from these experiments in our research.”

Luciano Barin Cruz, Director and Co-founder of the IDEOS hub


Professor Barin Cruz will give an online presentation on the winning project on November 21, during a panel discussion led by the President and CEO of the GBSN.

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