Caroline Aubé heads BCI research committee
August 15, 2023
Caroline Aubé, Professor and Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer at HEC Montréal, has been appointed Chair of the Research Committee of the Bureau de coopération interuniversitaire (BCI) for a 2-year term.
The BCI—a forum for expertise and co-operation—comprises leaders from all the academic institutions in Quebec (e.g.: Vice-Rectors), who meet periodically in separate committees that have been set up to handle major themes or common strategic issues in research, educational, administrative, financial, legal, and regulatory affairs.
Caroline Aubé will provide leadership to the Research Committee by organizing and guiding strategic exchanges on academic research (e.g.: issues related to research funding, knowledge transfer, valorization, security).
About Caroline Aubé
Caroline Aubé earned a PhD in industrial and organizational psychology from Université de Montréal, and joined the faculty of HEC Montréal in 2004. She specializes in organizational behaviour and effectiveness of work teams. She obtained a Research Chair in Work Team Management and Effectiveness in 2018 and has been Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer since 2019.
Since October 2021, she has also been co-Chair of the Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire (CFQCU), whose mission is to support co-operation between universities in France and Quebec, through programs to create strategic partnerships in teaching and research.

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