PhD scholarship from the Quebec CPA Foundation for Annie Lecompte
April 19, 2023
Annie Lecompte, a PhD candidate from HEC Montréal is one of the recipients of the two $10,000 PhD scholarships awarded this year by the Quebec CPA Foundation.
This scholarship is intended for CPAs who are members in good standing of the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec and are pursuing doctoral studies in the accounting profession’s area of expertise. One of the eligibility criteria for this scholarship includes agreeing to teach in the Quebec university network for a minimum of 5 years after earning a doctorate.
Annie Lecompte has received this scholarship based on the following selection criteria:
- The excellence of her academic record;
- Her interest, skills and potential for teaching and conducting research at a university based on her career path;
- The quality of and interest in her research project.
Ms. Lecompte is currently a professor in UQAM’s School of Management (ESG UQAM).

Her PhD thesis, entitled Three essays on the impacts of cryptocurrencies, ICOs and other emerging technologies: Implication for the accounting profession, focuses on emerging technologies, especially new financial technologies. It is geared towards studying the information surrounding these emerging technologies and explaining the way in which users make use of this information to protect themselves from the risks involved. The purpose of her research is to also gain a better understanding of the ethical issues related to this use..
Learn more about the PhD in Administration program