PhD student from HEC Montreal wins award for best research translation
September 12, 2023
Alana Pierce, a PhD student at HEC Montréal, won the award for Best Research Translation at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC) Doctoral Consortium.
This conference showcases the best research work on entrepreneurship conducted by doctoral students from around the world. This year, 25 students were selected.
One of the flagship exercises of this scientific conference, the Research Translation Showcase, involves transposing the findings of one of their research studies into a short article (2 to 4 pages) so that these findings can directly benefit the entrepreneurial community.
It was in this competition that Alana Pierce received the Kauffman Foundation Award for her paper entitled From Taking to Making Advice.
Alana Pierce’s paper was featured in the “The Entrepreneur” section and is therefore aimed directly at business leaders.

Summary of the winning paper
Entrepreneurs receive a lot of advice, but they do not always take it in as it is not always relevant. Instead of thinking of advice as something to take or leave, it can be conceived as the outcome of specific interactional moves. This way, it develops into something to be made, or co-produced by both entrepreneur and advisor. Alana Pierce’s article reveals that such an approach can make advice more relevant and impactful.