Social innovation: award-winning web platform for caregivers
From an MBA capstone project
December 6, 2023
An initiative led by Professor Denis Chênevert, Director of HEC Montréal’s Pôle santé (Health Research Centre), won the 2023 Social Innovation Award on November 23, during the 33rd gala of the Association pour le développement de la recherche et de l’innovation du Québec (ADRIQ).
This honour was awarded to Entraidant for its web platform Répit-aidant, which was designed as part of an MBA capstone project by 5 students from the School who were supervised by him: Timothée Bligny, Virginie Cousineau-Gendron, Geoffroy Desautels, Anthony El-Haddad et Andy Kong.
Providing respite to caregivers
Répit-aidant connects caregivers with qualified and available support persons to provide them with occasional respite. The platform proposes smoother and direct pairings with the aim of facilitating their access to support services.
“This award is a recognition that will motivate us to deploy Répit-aidant in all regions of Quebec in order to provide equitable access to respite services that are required for the health and well-being of caregivers,” said Denis Chênevert. “Their contribution is essential to sustaining the health and social services system in a period of labour shortage and it is a pressing need for community care.”
It should be noted that Pôle santé HEC Montréal is one of the partners involved in analyzing the data produced by the platform to better understand the evolution of care needs in Quebec.

About Denis Chênevert
Professor Denis Chênevert teaches strategic human resources management at HEC Montréal. In addition to his work with the Pôle santé, he is Co-Director of the Pôle D – Top Executives and Strategic Management Hub, holds a Professorship in Health and Work Climate and is a Research Fellow at the CHUM hospital. He also heads the Change Management section of the LHS (Learning Health System) Support Unit, besides being a member of the university consortium of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and of the INSPQ (Institut national de santé publique du Québec).
He holds an MSc from HEC Montréal and a PhD in Management from Université de Toulouse 1. Along with members from the Department of Human Resources Management, he won the HEC Montréal award for the best textbook in 2009, and a Highly Commended Paper Award from the Journal of Health Organization and Management in 2013. His research focuses mainly on the connections between the work environment, absenteeism, professional burnout, turnover rates and individual and organizational performance in the health and social services system.
Find out more
Répit-aidant [only in French]
Denis Chênevert
Pôle santé HEC Montréal [only in French]