Antoine Bujold highlights the consequences of algorithmic management
May 14, 2024
The Best Paper Award in the Information Systems Division was awarded to PhD student Antoine Bujold, at the annual conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).
The award-winning publication, entitled “Welcome to the Machine: Algorithmic Management Exchange (AME) Theory”, was co-written with Associate Professor Marie-Claude Gaudet and Assistant Professor Xavier Parent-Rocheleau, who are co-directing his thesis and work in the Department of Human Resources Management.
The article was also a finalist in the ASAC short presentation competition, and it provides theoretical insight into the consequences of algorithmic management (i.e., when information systems partially or totally fulfill management functions). Most importantly, it explores the impact of algorithmic management on the social exchange relationship between a worker and his or her organization and pays particular attention to the influence of the worker’s perceptions of system’s features.
The multidisciplinary approach of this study provides a better understanding of complex relationships in the professional world against a background of algorithmic management.