News > 2024 > CFA Societies Canada Ethics Challenge: HEC Montréal wins 1st place

CFA Societies Canada Ethics Challenge: HEC Montréal wins 1st place

May 16, 2024

After the BBA delegation from HEC Montréal won the Quebec segment of the CFA Ethics challenge at the Financial Open, it brilliantly represented the School once again.

This team, which was declared the winner during the finals of the national competition held on May 3, 2024, consisted of Antoine Chartrand-Deniger, Laurent Desrosiers-Derome, Florence Lalonde, François Paradis-Côté and Lou Richard and was accompanied by Pierre St-Laurent, faculty lecturer at HEC Montréal.

This 8th edition of the CFA Societies Canada Ethics Challenge virtually welcomed nearly 90 students representing 21 Canadian universities.

The participating teams were exposed to typical ethical problems related to the investment management profession. Each team had to solve the same case study and had 23 hours to identify ethical dilemmas, explain the nuances, and provide solutions according to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct.

The four finalists were Saint Mary’s University, Thompson Rivers University, the University of Manitoba and the University of Waterloo.

HEC Montréal’s University Competitions Service would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the student delegation, as well as the HEC Montréal Alumni Association for its financial support.


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University competitions

CFA Societies Canada Ethics Challenge