News > 2024 > International honour for course entitled Leadership climatique : cours à vélo vers une économie net zéro

International honour for course entitled Leadership climatique : cours à vélo vers une économie net zéro

2024 Educational Transformation Award from AIMS

June 19, 2024

A course in French entitled Leadership climatique : cours à vélo vers une économie net zéro (Climate Leadership: Cycling Towards a Net Zero Economy) won the 2024 Educational Transformation Award from the Association internationale de management stratégique (AIMS) at its annual conference, which was held from June 4 to 6, 2024.

The purpose of this innovative course which was launched for graduate students in 2022 by Associate Professor Yves Plourde, is to encourage participants to become stakeholders in the fight against climate change. This course incorporates cycling as an educational tool to make students aware of mobility issues as well as the impact of their travel activity. It is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Theoretical basics regarding the science of climate change, principles for setting carbon neutrality objectives and the various standards enabling companies to declare carbon neutrality.
  2. Meetings with practitioners and visits to commercial, historical and environmental sites of interest.
  3. Intervention project with the Port of Montreal to help it achieve its carbon neutrality target by 2045; divided into 4 mandates for as many teams, which are renewed each year in line with the progress made.


Yves Plourde

“Since its inception, this experiential cycling formula has been designed in keeping with best practices in sustainable development education. This award from a world-renowned group such as AIMS, which specifically commended the originality of the course and its dual impact on the student community as well as on organizations, further demonstrates its relevance and also highlights the School’s expertise in climate leadership.”

Yves Plourde, Associate Professor, Department of Management, HEC Montréal


The project in figures since 2022


Find out more

Leadership climatique : cours à vélo vers une économie net zéro [in French only]

2024 Educational Transformation Award from AIMS [in French only]