News > 2024 > A new four-legged recruit joins the School

A new four-legged recruit joins the School

Ginny the therapy dog

September 19, 2024

A new chapter has begun for HEC Montréal. The sight of a miniature Goldendoodle roaming around the Côte-Sainte-Catherine and Decelles buildings is now going to become a regular occurrence. Ginny, a therapy dog, has officially joined the School after being recruited as part of a project initiated by Natalie Schmekel, a psychologist at HEC Montréal.


“I am delighted that Ginny has finally arrived at the School and that her presence will help enrich our provision of support services to the entire student community.”

Natalie Schmekel


A unique project in Quebec’s academic environment

HEC Montréal has the distinction of becoming the first institution in the province to hire a therapy animal as a full member of its Student Services (SAE) team.

Ginny, chienne de thérapie

This initiative is perfectly in line with the School’s mission, as it aims to:


A canine presence with multiple benefits

Ginny, who will always be accompanied by Natalie Schmekel, will act as a therapy dog, bringing various benefits to the student community:


“Animals not only meet our emotional and social needs, but they also have a well-known calming effect. Numerous scientific studies have shown that their contact significantly reduces stress by decreasing cortisol levels and increasing oxytocin, a hormone linked to happiness.”

Natalie Schmekel


Thanks to her temperament and the benefits of her presence, she will act as a catalyst and facilitate the support offered by the psychologist. First off, she will provide affection, comfort and support to those who request her company.

Ginny's presence will also make it possible to reach out to students who are normally averse to using help and support services. She will also be involved as an assistant member in certain workshops and meetings organized by Student Services (SAE).


A rigorous selection process

Prior to landing this job as a therapy dog at HEC Montréal, Ginny was rigorously assessed by a dog trainer, who is a member of the Canadian Kennel Club.

So, several basic criteria linked to Ginny's temperament, behavior and reactions were verified, including her confidence, affectionate and friendly nature, patience, as well as gentleness in all circumstances.

To ensure the smooth functioning of the collaboration with Ginny and her well-being in her new role, she and Natalie Schmekel also underwent two training courses that lasted14 weeks altogether: the first one was for general canine skills and the second one, integrating training for both the companion and the animal, specifically addressed the preparations and behavior patterns required in various situations.

This rigorous accreditation process, including a final exam conducted by three evaluators, led to the awarding of the therapy dog certification.


Well-supervised interventions

A rigorous protocol has been set up to ensure harmonious cohabitation between Ginny and the members of the HEC Montréal community, and this includes the following measures:

To conclude, we should point out that Ginny's role will evolve and that new needs within the School community are likely to emerge. Until then, the results of each initiative will be closely monitored. Stay tuned!



Find out more

Check out events involving Ginny [in French only]