News > 2024 > Winter 2024 DESS programs Honour roll

Winter 2024 DESS programs Honour roll

August 28, 2024

The DES Program office recognizes the academic excellence of its graduates by listing them on the Honour Roll. To be on the Honour Roll, students must have achieved the highest average in their specialization.

In the Winter 2024 term, 19 students who completed a DESS or a Professional Master’s degree stood out.

Congratulations to all of them!



Kevin Ailabouni

Etienne Fournier
Organismes culturels

Céline Berre
Développement durable


Laura Auclair-Lauzon
Analyse d’affaires - TI

Bruno Généreux
Professions financières

Mathieu Auger
Entrepreneuriat et innovation

Marie-Claude Gingras

Charlotte Beauchemin
Gestion de projets

Vincent Gingras
Management du sport

Charles Cegelski
Chaîne logistique

Ana Nadeshda Hernandez Alfaro
Commerce électronique

Samer Charabati
Option personnalisée

Hakim Mektoub
Administration des affaires

Garry Dessejour
Secteurs Privé et public

Mélodie Morin
Comptabilité professionnelle CPA

Alexandru Dinu
Chaîne logistique

Martine Pilon
Développement organisationnel

Marie-Soleil Fortier-Quintal
Communication marketing et marque

Stéphanie Théorêt
Ressources humaines


Learn more about the programs

Specialized Graduate Diploma (DESS)

Master’s Degrees