hec.ca > News > Measuring Beyond 2025: social issues of sustainable transition

Measuring Beyond 2025: social issues of sustainable transition

February 17, 2025

The major annual conference of the Measuring Beyond initiative, under the theme “Social Impact at the Heart of Sustainable Transition” attracted more than 200 people on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, in the Hélène Desmarais Building at HEC Montréal.

The event was organized by Executive Education HEC Montréal in partnership with the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School and was presented by KPMG in collaboration with IDEOS (HEC Montréal’s Social Impact Hub).

Participants enjoyed a full day of discussions and learning during which they delved deeper into the social aspect of sustainable transition – the famous “S” in the ESG acronym, which includes environmental, social and governance issues. The Measuring Beyond initiative is an HEC Montréal creation that fits in perfectly with the School’s positioning regarding sustainable transition. In fact, the School is committed to doing more to sustainably manage a world in transition, and this includes empowering the leaders and managers in our society.


For more information on our positioning in sustainable transition

Conférenciers et conférencières à l'initiative Measuring Beyond
Photo credit: Louis-Charles Dumais