2022 Provincial Election

Our experts specializing in political economy, image of political figures, healthcare, inflation, labour economics, retirement and savings, remote working, energy, corporate social responsibility, digital transformation of organizations and many other fields.
For the use of media representatives, the following is a list of our professors prepared to comment on provincial election issues in their respective fields of expertise.
For interview requests, you can contact the experts by email, with a copy to Émilie Novales, or contact Ms. Novales directly (see contact information below).
Specializing :
- AI, digital transformation of organizations
- Corporate social responsibility, ethics, sustainable finance, circular economy, degrowth
- E-commerce and digital marketing
- Energy and climate
- Entrepreneurship, start-ups, commercialization of innovations
- Fossil fuel divestment
- Healthcare: management, logistics, innovation, telehealth and ethics
- Inflation, interest rates, public finance
- Labour economics, wages
- Labour, labour shortages, productivity
- (The) Labour market and cultural diversity
- Logistics, supply management and goods transportation
- Management of public projects and infrastructure (e.g. transportation)
- Political economy
- Remote working, human resources, meaning of work
- Retail trade and customer experience
- Retirement and savings, personal finance
Political economy
Caroline le Pennec
Assistant Professor, department of Applied Economics
- Political economy
- Elections
- Electoral competion, communication strategy
- Campaigns and voter behavior
To reach her:
Healthcare: management, logistics, innovation, telehealth and ethics
Marie-hélène jobin
Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
Associate Director of HEC Montréal Healthcare management Hub
- Healthcare Management
- Performance Management
- Process Improvement and Lean Management
- Innovation
- Higher education and International Relations.
To reach her:
514 340-6283
denis chênevert
Professor, department of Human Resources Management
Director of HEC Montréal Healthcare management Hub
- HR management and occupational health
- Work climate: absenteeism, burnout, turnover rate, individual and organizational performance in the health and social services sector
- Psychological health of the supervisors and contagion effects towards the members of his team
- Resilience of cancer care teams
- Resilience of healthcare supply chains
- Deployment of telehealth
- Mobilization of Human Resources
To reach him:
514 340-6625
guy paré
Professor, department of Information Technologies
Holder of the Research Chair in Digital Health
- Digital health
- Telehealth and telemedicine
- Artificial intelligence in health
- Quebec DSN project
- Electronic medical records (EMR)
To reach him:
Joé t. martineau
Associate Professor, department of Management
- Ethical issues associated with patient engagement in healthcare
- Ethics programs orientations and outcomes
- Empathy in management
To reach her:
Inflation, interest rates, public finance
Nicolas vincent
Professor, department of Applied Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Business cycles : booms, recessions, job creation, asset price fluctuations
- Global economicoutlook
- Inflation
- Monetary policy: interest rates, Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve, European Central Bank
- Fiscal policy: stimulus programs, budget deficits, government debt
To reach him:
514 340-6419
Pascal bédard
Full-Time Lecturer, department of Applied Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Economic growth and prosperity
- Recovery programs
- Financial markets and financial crises
- Currencies, exchange rates, central banks and monetary policy
- Inflation, interest rates and economic conditions
- Euro zone
To reach him:
514 340-6587
Hafedh bouakez
Professor, department of Applied Economics
- Macroeconomics
- Open Economy Macroeconomics
- International Finance
To reach him:
514 340-7003
Robert gagné
Professor, department of Applied Economics
Director of the department of Applied Economics
Director, Centre for Productivity and Prosperity
- Public spending in Quebec
- Productivity and prosperity in Quebec and Canada
- Determinants of productivity in Quebec (human capital, public policy, corporate behaviour)
- Solutions for enhancing productivity in Quebec
- Quebec’s economic performance as compared with the rest of Canada
To reach him:
Labour economics, wages
Benoit dostie
Professor, department of Applied Economics
- Labour economics
- Firm-sponsored training
- Employer-employee dynamics, earnings and benefits, aging
- Data access
- Business digital transformation
To reach him:
514 340-6453
sylvie st-onge
Professor, department of Management
- Compensation Management
- Performance Management
- Governance
- Board councils
- Managing our career or professional life
- Diversity (women, older workers, neurodiversity, immigrants)
- Sexual and psychological harassments
To reach her:
Retirement and savings, personal finance
Philippe d'astous
Associate professor, department of Finance
- Household Finance
- Financial Institutions
- Applied Econometrics
To reach him:
Labour, labour shortages, productivity
sébastien arcand
Professor, department of Management
- Cross-cultural Management in Organisations
- Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and Labour Market
- Public Policies and Skill Migration
To reach him:
514 340-7770
robert gagné
Professor, department of Applied Economics
Director of the department of Applied Economics
Director, Centre for Productivity and Prosperity
- Productivity and prosperity in Quebec and Canada
- Determinants of productivity in Quebec (human capital, public policy, corporate behaviour)
- Solutions for enhancing productivity in Quebec
- Quebec’s economic performance as compared with the rest of Canada
- Public spending in Quebec
To reach him:
The labour market and cultural diversity
Sébastien arcand
Professor, department of Management
- Cross-cultural Management in Organisations
- Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and Labour Market
- Public Policies and Skill Migration
To reach him:
514 340-7770
sylvie st-onge
Professor, department of Management
- Diversity (women, older workers, neurodiversity, immigrants)
- Compensation Management
- Performance Management
- Governance
- Board councils
- Managing our career or professional life
- Sexual and psychological harassments
To reach her:
Remote working, human resources, meaning of work
Eric Brunelle
Professor, department of Management
Director, Pôle sports
- Remote working
- E-leadership
- Leadership
To reach him:
514 340-7316
sylvie st-onge
Professor, department of Management
- Compensation Management
- Performance Management
- Governance
- Board councils
- Managing our career or professional life
- Balancing life domains
- Diversity (women, older workers, neurodiversity, immigrants)
- Sexual and psychologicalharassments
- Burnout
To reach her:
514 340-6381
anne bourhis
Professor, department of Human Resources Management
- Recruitment and Selection
- Employer branding
To reach her:
514 340-6873
Kevin j. johnson
Associate Professor, department of Management
- Organizational transformation and the future of work
- Change management and adaptation
- Organizational culture and behavior
- Work and occupational psychology
To reach him:
Energy and climate
Pierre-olivier pineau
Professor, department of Decision Sciences
Holder of the Chair in Energy Sector Management
- Energy policy
- Analysis of energy markets
- Carbon market
- Electricity, alternative and renewable energy
To reach him:
514 340-6922
Johanne Whitmore
Senior Researcher, Chair in Energy Sector Management
- Energy and climate policies
- Energy transition and decarbonization of the economy
- Circular economy
- Emerging and conventional energies
- Carbon market
To reach her:
514 340-6014
sylvain audette
Guest Professor, department of Marketing
Associate Member, Research Chair in Energy Sector Management
- Energy rate-fixing mechanisms (prices of natural gas, oil and electricity)
- Marketing of energy markets
- Energy policy
- Energy transition
To reach him:
Corporate social responsibility, ethics, substainable finance, circular economy, degrowth
Luciano barin cruz
Professor, department of Management
Director IDEOS, Social Impact Hub
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Sustainable Development
- Socio-Ecological Transition
- Social Innovation
- Social Impact
- Social Impact entrepreneurship
To reach him:
514 340-1350
françois carrillat
Professor, department of Marketing
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Branding
- Consumer behaviour
To reach him:
514 340-6660
claudia rebolledo
Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Sustainable procurement
- Local procurement
- Supply management
- Buyer-supplier relationships
- Public-sectorprocurement
- Aerospace sector
To reach her:
514 340-6928
Joé t. martineau
Associate Professor, department of Management
- Ethics programs orientations and outcomes
- Empathy in management
- Ethical issues associated with patient engagement in healthcare
To reach her:
514 340-3823
Iwan Meier
Professor, department of Finance
- Sustainable finance
- Performance evaluation of mutual funds and hedge funds
- Investment and financing decisions of firms
To reach him:
Yves-marie abraham
Professor, department of Management
- Degrowth
- Critics of capitalism and the enterprise
- Critics of technosciences
- Social justice and social innovations
- Commons
- Low-tech
To reach him:
Fossil fuel divestment
Jean-philippe tarte
Full-Time Lecturer, department of Finance
- Fossil fuel divestment
- Investments, capital markets and portfolio management
- Alternative investments
- Financial analysis, risk management
To reach him:
514 340-6999
Valeri sokolovski
Assistant Professor, department of Finance
- Fossil fuel disinvestments
- Stock market, ETFs, short sales, hedge funds
- Sovereign credit risk
- International finance
To reach him:
Logistics, supply management and goods transportation
Claudia rebolledo
Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Supply management
- Buyer-supplier relationships
- Sustainable procurement
- Local procurement
- Public-sector procurement
- Aerospace sector
To reach her:
514 340-6928
julie paquette
Associate Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Service Operations Management
- Supply chain and transportation management
- Operations and supply chain management in non-profit organizations
- E-commerce logistics: warehousing and last-mile deliveries
To reach her:
514 340-6745
Jacques roy
Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Aeronautics industry (Bombardier, Air Transat, etc.)
- Transportation management
- Supply chain management
- Transportation network optimization
To reach him:
514 340-6282
Yossiri adulyasak
Associate Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
Canada Research Chairholder in Supply Chain Analytics
- Supply Chain Analytics
- AI and supply chains
- Optimization under Uncertainty
- Large-Scale Optimization
To reach him:
Management of public projects and infrastructure (e.g. transportation)
maude brunet
Assistant Professor, department of Management
- Project management
- Public and infrastructure projects
- Major projects
- Digitalization of major projects
- Megaprojects
- Innovation in construction
To reach her:
Entrepreneurship, start-ups, commercialization of innovations
luis cisneros
Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation HEC Montréal
Co-director of la base entrepreneuriale HEC Montréal
Director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship National Bank | HEC Montréal
Scientific Director of Business Families Center HEC Montréal
- Entrepreneurship and Repreneurship
- Impact and inclusive entrepreneurship
- Immigrant entrepreneurship
- Women's entrepreneurship
- Business transfer and succession
- Challenges of family businesses
- SME management
To reach him:
514 378-6347
Ekaterina turkina
Associate Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Holder, Chair in Global Innovation Networks
- Female entrepreneurs
- Innovation in large-scale socio-economic systems
- Industrial clusters and ecosystems of innovation
To reach her:
514 340-7311
Luciano barin cruz
Professor, department of Management
Director IDEOS, Social Impact Hub
- Social Impact entrepreneurship
- Social Impact Corporate
- Social Responsibility
- Sustainable Development
- Socio-Ecological Transition
- Social Innovation
To reach him:
514 340-1350
Mai Thai
Associate Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- New venture creation
- Entrepreneurship
- Immigrant entrepreneurship
- Social business models
- Social impact creation mechanisms
- International business
To reach her:
Julien billot
Adjunct Professor, Executive Education HEC Montréal
Director of CDL-Montréal program and NEXT AI Montréal
General Director of Scale AI
- Canadian and Montreal innovation ecosystem
- Artificial intelligence and start-ups
Startup financing - Superclusters, Global Innovation Hub
To reach him:
514 601-5700
Jean-françois ouellet
Associate Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Entrepreneurial marketing for starts-ups and small businesses
- AI and entrepreneurship
- Major leaders and innovators
- E-commerce
- New product development
To reach him:
514 340-6932
Brian King
Associate Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Venture capital firms
- Financing of entrepreneurial companies
- Strategy in turbulent contexts
To reach him:
AI, digital transformation of organizations
Camille grange
Associate Professor, department of Information Technologies
- Social acceptance of new information technologies
- Responsible adoption of new information technologies
- Electronic commerce: consumers' information-seeking and decision-making process
- Automated decision-making systems
To reach her:
514 340-3615
Benoit dostie
Professor, department of Applied Economics
- Business digital transformation
- Data access
- Labour economics
- Firm-sponsored training
- Employer-employee dynamics, earnings and benefits, aging
To reach him:
514 340-6453
Joé t. martineau
Associate Professor, department of Management
- Ethics programs orientations and outcomes
- Empathy in management
- Ethical issues associated with patient engagement in healthcare
To reach her:
514 340-3823
Yossiri Adulyasak
Associate Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- Supply Chain Analytics
- AI and supply chains
- Optimization under Uncertainty
- Large-Scale Optimization
To reach him:
514 340-7029
Pierre-majorique léger
Professor, department of Information Technologies
Co-director Tech3Lab
Director ERPsim Lab
Chairholder of the Research Chair in User Experience
Researcher, Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO)
- User Experience
- Human-computer interaction
- Human-Centered Arfificial Intelligence
- Information Technologies and Neuroscience
- Enterprise resource planning
To reach him:
514 340-7013
Julien billot
Adjunct Professor, Executive Education HEC Montréal
Program Director of CDL-Montréal and NEXT AI Montréal
General Director of Scale AI
- Canadian and Montreal innovation ecosystem
- Artificial intelligence and start-ups
Startup financing - Superclusters, Global Innovation Hub
To reach him:
Retail trade and customer experience
Jean-Luc Geha
Guest Professor, department of Marketing
Director of the Sales Institute HEC Montréal
- Distribution (Strategy and Channels)
- Customer Services
- Customer Experience
- Call Centers
- Sales in B2B and B2C
- Large Corporations (Management and Strategy)
To reach him:
514 340-1644
Jacques nantel
Professor Emeritus, department of Marketing
- Retail trade
- Promoting ethical business practices
- Consumer goods
- Changes in consumption
- E-commerce
To reach him:
E-commerce and digital marketing
Sylvain Amoros
Adjunct Professor, department of Marketing
- Search engine optimization and Google google algorithm update
- Social media marketing, Tiktok and Meta algorithms (Facebook, Instagram)
- Optimization of ecommerce platforms
- Publishers ads monetization, email and marketing automation
- Marketing technologies and GAFAM
To reach him:
514 340-1264
Jean-françois ouellet
Associate Professor, department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- E-commerce
- Entrepreneurial marketing for start-ups and small businesses
- AI and entrepreneurship
- Major leaders and innovators
- New product development
To reach him:
514 340-6932
Camille Grange
Associate Professor, department of Information Technologies
- Electronic commerce: consumers' information-seeking and decision-making process
- Social acceptance of new information technologies
- Responsible adoption of new information technologies
- Automated decision-making systems
To reach her:
514 340-3615
Pierre-majorique léger
Professor, department of Information Technologies
Co-director Tech3Lab
Director ERPsim Lab
Chairholder of the Research Chair in User Experience
Researcher, Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO)
- User Experience
- Human-computer interaction
- Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
- Information Technologies and Neuroscience
- Enterprise resource planning
To reach him:
514 340-7013
Jacques nantel
Professor Emeritus, department of Marketing
- Retail trade
- Promoting ethical business practices
- Consumer goods
- Changes in consumption
- E-commerce
To reach him:
514 340-6421
Julie paquette
Associate Professor, department of Logistics and Operations Management
- E-commerce logistics: warehousing and last-mile deliveries
- Service Operations Management
- Supply chain and transportation management
- Operations and supply chain management in non-profit organizations
To reach her:
For information
Émilie Novales
Senior Media Relations Advisor HEC Montréal
438 520-3536