MS1 en-us
MS2 Associate Professor
MS3 Associate Professor (f)
MS4 Associate Professor
MS2 Associate Professor
MS3 Associate Professor (f)
MS4 Associate Professor
Chantal Labbé
Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences

Contact information
HEC Montréal3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7
Email :
Phone : 514 340-6723
Secretary: 514 340-6472
Fax : 514 340-5634
Office : 4.803
- M. Sc. (mathématiques), Université de Montréal
- Ph.D. (Statistics), University of Waterloo
- Stochastic process
- Probability
- Financial engineering
- Portfolio optimization
- Stochastic optimal control
This publication selection covers the last five years.
Journal articles (1)
TREMBLAY, Chantal, ALLAIN, Élodie, LABBÉ, Chantal, DUCHARME-LANDRY, Simone, ARELLANO CARO, Maricela Connie;
« Conflits et apprentissages perçus par les étudiant·es durant une approche par projets (APR) interdisciplinaire en enseignement supérieur »,
Didactique, vol. 5, no 2, 2024, p. 124-150.
This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.
Winter 2024
MATH 10620
MATH 60605
MATH 60605A
Fall 2023
MATH 10605
Winter 2023
MATH 10620
MATH 60605
MATH 60605A