MS1 en-us
MS2 Associate Professor (m)
MS3 Associate Professor (m)
MS4 Associate Professor
MS2 Associate Professor (m)
MS3 Associate Professor (m)
MS4 Associate Professor
Gunnar Grass
Associate Professor, Department of Finance

Contact information
HEC Montréal3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7
Email :
Phone : 514 340-1540
Secretary: 514 340-6823
Fax : 514 340-5632
Office : 4.222
Personal page
- Dr. rer. pol. (Ph.D. equivalent postgraduate studies in Finance), European Business School – Germany
- Diplom-Kaufman (Master-level degree in business administration and finance), European Business School – Germany
This publication selection covers the last five years.
Journal articles (2)
AHABCHANE, Chahid, CENESIZOGLU, Tolga, GRASS, Gunnar, JENA, Sanjay Dominik;
« Reducing transaction costs using intraday forecasts of limit order book slopes »,
Journal of Forecasting, vol. 43, no 8, 2024, p. 2982-3008.
AUGUSTIN, Patrick, BRENNER, Menachem, GRASS, Gunnar, ORLOWSKI, Piotr, SUBRAHMANYAM, Marti G.;
« Informed options strategies before corporate events »,
Journal of Financial Markets, vol. 63, 2023, p. 1-34.
This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.
Supervised project supervision – MSc in Management (1)
The use of real options in aircraft purchase projects at Air Canada - A proof of concept using the 737 Max business case , by Virgilio B. Pasin
September 2020
September 2020
Winter 2024
FINA 10200A
FINA 60201A
FINA 60201