Honorary professors
Name | Telephone | Administrative unit |
Aktouf, Omar omar.aktouf@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Allali, Brahim brahim.allali@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Allard, Marie marie.allard@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Archambault, Guy guy.archambault@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Babin, Gilbert gilbert.babin@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Boisvert, Hugues hugues.boisvert@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Bouteiller, Dominique dominique.bouteiller@hec.ca |
Department of Human Resources Management |
Brenner, Gabrielle gabrielle.brenner@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Béchard, Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.bechard@hec.ca |
514 340-6379 |
Department of Management |
Chanlat, Alain alain.chanlat@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Chaussé, Raymond raymond.chausse@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Chokron, Michel michel.chokron@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Choquette, Claude claude.choquette@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Côté, Daniel daniel.cote@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Côté, Louise louise.cote@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
d'Astous, Alain alain.dastous@hec.ca |
514 340-6416 |
Department of Marketing |
David-McNeil, Jeannine jeannine.david-mcneil@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Demers, Christiane christiane.demers@hec.ca |
514 340-6345 |
Department of Management |
Desrosiers, Jacques jacques.desrosiers@hec.ca |
Department of Decision Sciences |
Doucet, René rene.doucet@hec.ca |
Department of Human Resources Management |
Drew, James james.drew@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Duguay, Claude claude.duguay@hec.ca |
Department of Logistics and Operations Management |
Dupré, Ruth ruth.dupre@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Dupuis, Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.dupuis@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Dussart, Christian christian.dussart@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Fabien, Louis louis.fabien@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Facal, Joseph joseph.facal@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Filion, Marc marc.filion@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Fortin, Jacques jacques.fortin@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Frénois, Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.frenois@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Félix, Vernet vernet.felix@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Gagné, Gilles gilles.gagne@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Gerbé, Olivier olivier.gerbe@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Girard, Aline aline.girard@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Goyette, Hervé herve.goyette@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Guindon, Michel michel.guindon@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Hugron, Pierre pierre.hugron@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Jobin, Marie-Hélène marie-helene.jobin@hec.ca |
Department of Logistics and Operations Management |
Kisfalvi, Veronika veronika.kisfalvi@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Labrecque, JoAnne joanne.labrecque@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Lalancette, Simon simon.lalancette@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Langevin, Pierre pierre.langevin@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Lapointe, Alain alain.lapointe@hec.ca |
514 270-1854 |
Department of Applied Economics |
Laroche, D. Claude claude.laroche@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Lavoie, Dina dina.lavoie@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Le Louarn, Jean-Yves jean-yves.le-louarn@hec.ca |
Department of Human Resources Management |
Lefebvre, Jean-Pierre jean-pierre.lefebvre@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Lemay, Maurice maurice.lemay@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Leroux, François francois.leroux@hec.ca |
Department of International Business |
Lesage, Pierre-B. pierre-b.lesage@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Malo, Marie-Claire marie-claire.malo@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Mandron, Alix alix.2.mandron@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Marchon, Maurice maurice-n.marchon@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Maria, Maurice maurice.maria@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Martel, Louise louise.martel@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Mersereau, Alexander alexander.mersereau@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Mireault, Paul paul.mireault@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Morin, Danielle danielle.morin@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Nappi, Carmine carmine.nappi@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Naud, Marjolaine marjolaine.naud@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Nollet, Jean jean.nollet@hec.ca |
Department of Logistics and Operations Management |
Noël, Alain alain.noel@hec.ca |
514 340-6185 |
Department of International Business |
Ouimet, Gérard gerard.ouimet@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Parent, Daniel daniel.parent@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Pauchant, Thierry thierry.pauchant@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Paul, Diane diane.paul@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Pozzebon, Silvana silvana.pozzebon@hec.ca |
Department of Human Resources Management |
Prieur, Nicole nicole.prieur@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Provost, Michel michel.provost@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Raynauld, Jacques jacques.raynauld@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Reid, Wendellyn wendellyn.reid@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Rondeau, Alain alain.rondeau@hec.ca |
Department of Management |
Roy, Jean jean.roy@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Roy, Vital vital.roy@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |
Rémillard, Bruno bruno.remillard@hec.ca |
Department of Decision Sciences |
Sinclair-Desgagné, Bernard bernard.sinclair-desgagne@hec.ca |
Department of International Business |
Sletmo, Gunnar gunnar.sletmo@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
Soriano, Patrick patrick.soriano@hec.ca |
Department of Decision Sciences |
St-Cyr, Louise louise.st-cyr@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Stringer, Yvan yvan.stringer@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Tremblay, Benoît benoit.tremblay@hec.ca |
514 340-6703 |
Department of Management |
Tremblay, Michel michel.tremblay@hec.ca |
Department of Human Resources Management |
Turgeon, Normand normand.turgeon@hec.ca |
Department of Marketing |
van Norden, Simon simon.van-norden@hec.ca |
Department of Finance |
Van Peeterssen, Alain alain.van-peeterssen@hec.ca |
Department of Applied Economics |
Van The, Nhut nhut.van-the@hec.ca |
Department of Accounting |
Wybo, Michael michael.wybo@hec.ca |
Department of Information Technologies |