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Léandre Chénard-Poirier

Assistant Professor,  Department of Management

Léandre Chénard-Poirier

Contact information

HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Email : leandre-alexis.chenard-poirier@hec.ca
Phone : 514 340-6267
Secretary: 514 340-6708
Fax : 514 340-5635
Office : 5.255

Other title(s)

  • Forthcoming


  • PhD (Industrial and Organizational Psychology), Université de Montréal

Current research

  • Forthcoming

This publication selection covers the last five years.


Journal articles (12)

BONNARDEL, Dana, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, LAJOIE, Denis; « Innovation Climate Profiles: Latent Profile Analyses of the Team Climate Inventory Across Two Samples », European Journal of Psychological Assessment, vol. 41, no 1, 2025, p. 24-31.

MORIN, Alexandre J.S., GILLET, Nicolas, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, CRAVEN, Rhonda G., MOONEY, Janet, MAGSON, Natasha, VALLERAND, Robert J.; « On the nature, predictors, and outcomes of work passion profiles: A comparative study across samples of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian employees », Australian Journal of Management, vol. 50, no 1, 2025, p. 173-199.

PEIXOTO, Evandro Morais, DA SILVA OLIVEIRA, Karina, ROMANO, Amanda Rizzieri, CAMPOS, Carolina Rosa, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VALLERAND, Robert J.; « Optimal Functioning in Society Scale (OFISS): Adaptação Transcultural e Propriedades Psicométricas », Avaliação Psicológica, vol. 23, no 2, 2024, p. 149-158.

ST-CYR, Jany, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, DUFRESNE, Alexe, VALLERAND, Robert J.; « The Role of Passion in Self-Oriented Versus Team-Oriented Decision-Making in Team Sports », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, no 3, 2023, p. 1-10.

BAZINE, Nicolas, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, BATTISTELLI, Adalgisa, LAGABRIELLE, Marie-Christine; « Who is successful in career development? A person-centered approach to the study of career orientation profiles », Career Development International, vol. 28, no 6/7, 2023, p. 772-792.

CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VALLERAND, Robert J., VERNER-FILION, Jérémie, HOULFORT, Nathalie, FOREST, Jacques, RINFRET, Natalie; « Optimal Functioning in Society: A Conceptualization, a Measure, and a Look at Determinants », Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 24, no 2, 2023, p. 857-892.

CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, MORIN, Alexandre J.S., BOUDRIAS, Jean-Sébastien, GILLET, Nicolas; « The Combined Effects of Destructive and Constructive Leadership on Thriving at Work and Behavioral Empowerment », Journal of Business and Psychology, vol. 37, no 1, 2022, p. 173-189.

MORIN, Alexandre J.S., BLAIS, Ann-Renée, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre; « Doubly Latent Multilevel Procedures for Organizational Assessment and Prediction », Journal of Business and Psychology, vol. 37, no 1, 2022, p. 47-72.

ST-LOUIS, Ariane, RAPAPORT, Maylys, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VALLERAND, Robert J., DANDENEAU, Stéphane; « On Emotion Regulation Strategies and Well-Being: The Role of Passion », Journal of Happiness Studies, vol. 22, no 4, 2021, p. 1791-1818.

HOFMANS, Joeri, MORIN, Alexandre J.S., BREITSOHL, Heiko, CEULEMANS, Eva, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, DRIVER, Charles C., FERNET, Claude, GAGNÉ, Marylène, GILLET, Nicolas, GONZALEZ-ROMA, Vicente, GRIMM, Kevin J., HAMAKER, Ellen L., HAU, Kit-Tai, HOULE, Simon, HOWARD, Joshua L., KLINE, Rex B., KUIJPERS, Evy, LEYENS, Theresa, LITALIEN, David, MÄKIKANGAS, Anne, MARSH, Herbert W., MCLARNON, Matthew J. W., MEYER, John P., NAVARRO, Jose, OLIVIER, Elizabeth, O'NEILL, Thomas, PEKRUN, Reinhard, SALMELA-ARO, Katariina, SOLINGER, Omar N., SONNENTAG, Sabine, TAY, Louis, TOTH-KIRALY, Istvan, VALLERAND, Robert J., VANDENBERGHE, Christian, VAN ROSSENBERG, Yvonne G. T., VANTILBORGH, Tim, VERGAUWE, Jasmine, VULLINGHS, Jesse T., WANG, Mo, WEN, Zhonglin, WILLE, Bart; « The baby and the bathwater: On the need for substantive–methodological synergy in organizational research », Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 14, no 4, 2021, p. 497-504.

ST-CYR, Jany, VALLERAND, Robert J., CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre; « The Role of Passion and Achievement Goals in Optimal Functioning in Sports », International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, no 17, 2021, p. 1-9.

CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VANDENBERGHE, Christian, MORIN, Alexandre J.S.; « From Perceived Supervisor Social Power to Employee Commitment: Definition and Scale Development », Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12, 2021, p. 1-21.


Books (1)

AGOGUÉ, Marine, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, GRÉGOIRE, Denis, PLOURDE, Yves, ROBINSON, Melanie, SOUBLIÈRE, Jean-François; Survivre à son projet de recherche : introduction à la méthodologie en gestion, Les Éditions JFD, 2023.


Book chapters (2)

CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VALLERAND, Robert J.; « Le fonctionnement optimal en société : une analyse multidimensionnelle du bien-être », Grand manuel de psychologie positive : Fondements, théories et champs d’intervention, Dunod, 2021, p. 33-47.

ROBERGE, Vincent, BOUDRIAS, Jean-Sébastien, CHÉNARD POIRIER, Léandre, VANDENBERGHE, Christian, MONTANI, Francesco; « Le travail du savoir : sa mesure et ses relations avec le bien-être et l’innovation », Management, innovation et bien-être, L'Harmattan, 2020, p. 153-165.

This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.


Supervised project supervision – MSc in Management (1)

Planification de l'implantation d'un programme de prévention en sécurité des infrastructures essentielles dans les provinces des maritimes , by Claudie Joyal
October 2024