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Mai Thai

Associate Professor,  Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Mai Thai

Contact information

HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Email : mai.thai@hec.ca
Phone : 514 340-1069
Secretary: 514 340-6000 ext. 1156
Fax : N/A
Office : 5.158


  • B.A., Hanoi University 
  • M.B.A., University of Hawai'i
  • Ph. D. (Management), University of St. Gallen


  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • New Venture Creation
  • International Business
  • Strategic Management
  • Transition Economies
  • Emerging Markets

Current research

  • Determinants of new venture creation, social business models, mechanisms to create social impacts, immigrant entrepreneurship

This publication selection covers the last five years.


Journal articles (10)

SIMBA, Amon, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, AMMARI, Aymen, KOCH, James V., JONES, Paul; « Unconventional philosophies and practices: Vietnamese family firm performance in multiple countries », Journal of Small Business Management, 2025 (status : online).

AL ISSA, Hussein-Elhakim, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, SAAD, Shahrin; « Empowering social entrepreneurial intentions through experiential learning and self-efficacy », The International Journal of Management Education, vol. 23, no 2, 2025, p. 1-13.

WANG, Chuanzheng, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh; « Entrepreneurial orientation in the social network age: Navigating with dynamic capabilities and cognitive flexibility », Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 121, 2024, p. 100-114.

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, SIMBA, Amon, DABIĆ, Marina; « Host versus home country influence on the immigrant entrepreneurial process: an imprinting perspective », Review of Managerial Science, vol. 18, no 12, 2024, p. 3597-3638.

AL ISSA, Hussein-Elhakim, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, NGUYEN, Hang; « A systematic mapping of social entrepreneurship education: A call for increased collaboration, ethics, and research frameworks », The International Journal of Management Education, vol. 22, no 3, 2024, p. 1-19.

ABAT, Ivy, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh; « The proliferation of neoliberal ideology: A study of international anticorruption discourse through the lens of institutional entrepreneurship theory », Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, vol. 8, no 8, 2024, p. 1-41.

AL ISSA, Hussein-Elhakim, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, OMAR, Mohammed Mispah Said, FRNANA, Farouk Mahmud; « The Effect of Corporate Frugality on Crisis Preparedness: the Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation », Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, vol. 28, no 1, 2023, p. 1-18.

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, TURKINA, Ekaterina, SIMBA, Amon; « The impact of internationalisation on product innovation in emerging market firms », International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, vol. 46, no 2, 2022, p. 226-243.

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, TURKINA, Ekaterina, SIMBA, Amon; « The impact of national social capital on business creation rates in the formal vs informal sectors », International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, vol. 26, no 8, 2020, p. 1739-1768.

SIMBA, Amon, THAI, Mai Thi Thanh; « Advancing Entrepreneurial Leadership as a Practice in MSME Management and Development », Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 57, no 2, 2019, p. 397-416.


Book chapters (1)

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh, LÊ, Thị Thu Hà, NGUYEN, Hang; « Social entrepreneurship education: lessons learned from social business creation in Vietnam », Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – 2023, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, p. 218-238.

This award and honor selection covers the last five years.

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh
Médaille du couronnement du Roi Charles III, Cette distinction prestigieuse, créée pour marquer le couronnement de Charles III, récompense des Canadiennes et Canadiens ayant apporté une contribution significative à leur communauté, leur province ou leur pays ou qui dépasse les frontières du Canada. Cette médaille célèbre autant les réalisations que le dévouement ou l’engagement envers le bien-être de la société canadienne., Chancellerie des distinctions honorifiques de Rideau Hall, 2025

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh
Top 50 Women Leaders in Education for 2024, These women are at the forefront of dismantling educational barriers. They are committed to ensuring that every student gains access to the knowledge and skills that pave the way to a promising future. Beyond this, they cultivate environments where educators, administrators, and support staff can excel, whether in academic institutions, healthcare settings, nonprofit organizations, or corporate environments., Women We Admire, 2024

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh
Temple de la renommée des compétitions universitaires , Cette distinction souligne l’impact crée par les deux compétitions internationales sur l'apprentissage des étudiants et le développement de la communauté (International Graduate Competition et Social Business Creation Competition). , HEC Montréal, 2024

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh
Prix d'innovation pédagogique 2022 / Pedagogical Innovation Award 2022, Pour la réalisation pédagogique la plus innovante, conçue et mise en œuvre au cours de l’année, par une ou un membre du personnel enseignant. The award is granted for the most innovative pedagogical achievement that was conceived and implemented by a member of the teaching staff of HEC Montreal in 2022., HEC Montréal, 2022

THAI, Mai Thi Thanh
Past President's Award, Past President's Award is the most prestigious award given by the Canadian Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Mai Thai was granted this award on October 17, 2020, for her outstanding contribution and leadership as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship over the period 2015-2020, Canadian Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2020

This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.


Supervised project supervision – MSc in Management (2)

Validation de la proposition de valeur du projet entrepreneurial Les Passages , by Maria-Anaïs Cauchois-Benavides
November 2022

Un modèle économique innovant et durable pour lutter contre le gaspillage vestimentaire des bébés et des enfants de 0 à 4 ans à Montréal. Le cas de l'entreprise ÉVÉA. , by Eva Roux
September 2020


Integrative project supervision – Master's (4)

Étude de cas : Analyse de méthodes et guides existantes pour réduire les pertes et le gaspillage alimentaires dans les restaurants de Québec » , by Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Valadez
March 2023

Analyse des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaire dans la restauration commerciale à Montréal , by Sabine Gédéon
March 2022

COOP Boomerang : quel modèle d'affaires pour maximiser l'impact ? Une stratégie qui vise à équilibrer la mission sociale et les objectifs commerciaux. , by Mathieu Gauthier
October 2021

La théorie du changement : Les impacts environnementaux d'une jeune entreprise québécoise et les activités à prioriser pour l'atteinte des objectifs , by Mélanie Girard-Brisson
September 2020