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Marie-Ève Rancourt

Associate Professor,  Department of Logistics and Operations Management

Marie-Ève Rancourt

Contact information

HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Email : marie-eve.rancourt@hec.ca
Phone : 514 340-1965
Secretary: 514 340-6716
Fax : n/a
Office : 5.834


  • Doctorat (administration), HEC Montréal
  • M. Sc. (modélisation et décision), HEC Montréal
  • Baccalauréat (mathématiques), Université de Montréal


  • Humanitarian logistics
  • Operations research
  • Transportation network modelling and optimization
  • Supply chain management
  • Operations management

Current research

  • Forthcoming

This publication selection covers the last five years.


Journal articles (13)

SHARBAF, Maedeh, BÉLANGER, Valérie, CHERKESLY, Marilène, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, TOGLIA, Giovanni Michele et al.; « Risk-based shelter network design in flood-prone areas: An application to Haiti », Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, vol. 131, 2025, p. 1-21.

ZBIB, Hani, BALÇIK KOYUNCU, Burcu, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, LAPORTE, Gilbert; « A Mutual Catastrophe Insurance Framework for Horizontal Collaboration in Prepositioning Strategic Reserves », Operations Research, vol. 72, no 5, 2024, p. 2014-2041.

SANTA GONZÁLEZ, Rosemarie, CHERKESLY, Marilène, CRAINIC, Teodor Gabriel, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève; « Analysis of mobile clinic deployments in conflict zones », Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, vol. 14, no 2, 2024, p. 181-207.

ADSANVER, Birce, BALÇIK KOYUNCU, Burcu, BÉLANGER, Valérie, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève; « Operations research approaches for improving coordination, cooperation, and collaboration in humanitarian relief chains: A framework and literature review », European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 319, no 2, 2024, p. 384-398.

SANTA GONZÁLEZ, Rosemarie, CHERKESLY, Marilène, CRAINIC, Teodor Gabriel, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève; « Multi-period location routing: An application to the planning of mobile clinic operations in Iraq », Computers & Operations Research, vol. 159, 2023, p. 1-19.

BOUCHARD, Isabelle, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, ALOISE, Daniel, KALAITZIS, Freddie; « On Transfer Learning for Building Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery in Emergency Contexts », Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no 11, 2022, p. 1-29.

ELDRIDGE, Elizabeth Anne, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, LANGLEY, Ann, HÉROUX, Dani; « Expanding Perspectives on the Poverty Trap for Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania: The Role of Rural Input Supply Chains », Sustainability, vol. 14, no 9, 2022, p. 1-34.

LAPORTE, Gilbert, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, Jessica, SILVESTRI, Selene; « Optimizing access to drinking water in remote areas. Application to Nepal », Computers & Operations Research, vol. 140, 2022, p. 1-17.

RODRIGUEZ PEREIRA, Jessica, BALÇIK KOYUNCU, Burcu, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, LAPORTE, Gilbert; « A Cost-Sharing Mechanism for Multi-Country Partnerships in Disaster Preparedness », Production and Operations Management, vol. 30, no 12, 2021, p. 4541-4565.

SAHINYAZAN, Feyza, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, VERTER, Nafiz-Vedat; « Improving Transportation Procurement in the Humanitarian Sector: A Data‐driven Approach for Abnormally Low Bid Detection », Production and Operations Management, vol. 30, no 4, 2021, p. 1082-1109.

SAHINYAZAN, Feyza, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, VERTER, Nafiz-Vedat; « Food Aid Modality Selection Problem », Production and Operations Management, vol. 30, no 4, 2021, p. 965-983.

CHERKESLY, Marilène, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, SMILOWITZ, Karen; « Community Healthcare Network in Underserved Areas: Design, Mathematical Models, and Analysis », Production and Operations Management, vol. 28, no 7, 2019, p. 1716-1734.

BALÇIK KOYUNCU, Burcu, SILVESTRI, Selene, RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, LAPORTE, Gilbert; « Collaborative Prepositioning Network Design for Regional Disaster Response », Production and Operations Management, vol. 28, no 10, 2019, p. 2431-2455.


Book chapters (2)

RANCOURT, Marie-Ève, PAQUETTE, Julie; « Transportation Problems in Humanitarian Supply Chains », Location Science, Springer, 2025 (status : accepted).

KARA, Bahar Y., RANCOURT, Marie-Ève; « Location problems in humanitarian supply chains », Location Science, Springer, 2019, p. 611-629.

This award and honor selection covers the last five years.

Prix de recherche Chenelière Éducation/Gaëtan-Morin 2022, Ce prix souligne l’excellence en ce qui a trait aux publications scientifiques et professionnelles d’un professeur agrégé de HEC Montréal, au cours des trois dernières années., HEC Montréal, 2022

This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.


Master's thesis direction – MSc in Management (5)

In codirection with : PAQUETTE, Julie
Le flux et les contraintes opérationnels des banques alimentaires québécoises, by Audrey Kaine
August 2023

In codirection with : LABBE, Aurélie
Analyse spatiale appliquée aux inondations du Québec : le cas de la Croix-Rouge canadienne, by Enora Georgeault
January 2022

In codirection with : BÉLANGER, Valérie
Analyse et simulation du transport aéromédical: Le cas de l'EVAQ et des transferts interhospitaliers au Québec, by Joëlle Cormier
November 2021

In codirection with : LANGLEY, Ann, LANGLEY, Ann
Overcoming the Poverty Trap Through Improved Input Sourcing, by Elizabeth Anne Eldridge
November 2020


Supervised project supervision – MSc in Management (12)

In codirection with : BÉLANGER, Valérie
Wildfire Evacuation Process in Canada , by Élisabeth Mondor
August 2023

In codirection with : PAQUETTE, Julie
Analyse de la faisabilité de l'acheminement de denrées alimentaires vers les membres associés des Banques Alimentaires du Québec situés en Gaspésie , by Karine Beaudet-Gaudette
August 2023

In codirection with : PAQUETTE, Julie
Équité des partages provinciaux d'ordre monétaire et alimentaire au sein des Banques alimentaires du Québec , by Marie-Ève Roy
March 2023

In codirection with : BÉLANGER, Valérie
Analyse et recommandations liées au processus de planification des tournées de visites aux patients de la Clinique des aînés mobile , by Rebecca Cournoyer
November 2020

Description du modèle de coopération civil-militaire et étude des pratiques d'entreposage des forces armées canadiennes dans le cadre humanitaire , by François Hachez
September 2020

Caribbean Disaster Emergency Preparedness and Response: An Integrated Risk Assessment and Risk Mapping Framework , by Jason Stewart
September 2020

Capacity assessment to identify bottlenecks in Humanitarian Supply Chains: The cases of the Bahamas and Jamaica , by Dani Héroux
March 2020

In codirection with : ROY, Jacques
Diagnosing Supply Chain Security At Apex Leather & Footwear Limited (AFL) , by Ayonti Mahreen Huq
March 2020

Supply Chain Visibility in Canada , by Mitchell Seider
January 2020

In codirection with : BÉLANGER, Valérie
Analyse du réseau de distribution de vaccins dans les régions éloignées du Burkina Faso , by Lionel Patrice Nebie
November 2019

In codirection with : BÉLANGER, Valérie
Amélioration des mécanismes d'accès du CCOMTL , by Alexandra Maheu-Drouin
September 2019

In codirection with : PAQUETTE, Julie
Developing a Cost Analysis Model for Nature's Touch Transportation Network using Dijkstra's Algorithm , by Rahul Widge
September 2019