MS1 en-us
MS2 Affiliated Professor
MS3 Affiliated Professor (f)
MS4 Affiliated Professor
MS2 Affiliated Professor
MS3 Affiliated Professor (f)
MS4 Affiliated Professor
Ola Jabali
Affiliated Professor, Department of Logistics and Operations Management

Contact information
HEC Montréal3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7
Email :
Phone : Not available
Secretary: 514 340-6716
Fax : n/a
Office : n/a
Personal page
- Ph. D. (Industrial Engineering), Eindhoven University of Technology
- M. Sc. (Industrial Engineering), Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
- B. Sc. (Industrial Engineering and Management), Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
- Operations Management
- Logistics
- Transportation
- Combinatorial Optimization
Current research
- Goods distribution with electric vehicles
- Pollution in goods transport
- Fleet composition
- City logistics
- Logistics Network design
To learn more about the CIRRELT:
This selection of supervision activities covers the last five years.
Dissertation direction – PhD in Administration (1)
In codirection with : LAPORTE, Gilbert, LAPORTE, Gilbert
Goods Distribution with Electric Vehicles, by Samuel Pelletier
October 2019
Goods Distribution with Electric Vehicles, by Samuel Pelletier
October 2019
Master's thesis direction – MSc in Management (2)
In codirection with : JANS, Raf
The One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem with Four Types of Emission Constraints, by Jingshu Liu
March 2020
The One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem with Four Types of Emission Constraints, by Jingshu Liu
March 2020
In codirection with : ADULYASAK, Yossiri
Optimisation de configuration d'un entrepôt et de l'allocation des produits ayant une demande dynamique, by David Suissa
September 2019
Optimisation de configuration d'un entrepôt et de l'allocation des produits ayant une demande dynamique, by David Suissa
September 2019