Structure du programme
Phase I – Preparation (if necessary, maximum 1 year)
Qualifying courses in the specialization (preparatory or introductory courses)
Phase II – Specialization (maximum 2 years)
- Minimum course work of 10 PhD seminars
- Writing of scientific paper
- Comprehensive exam
Compulsory seminar
Specialization seminars
Minimum 2 seminars
Or any other course in international business offered and approved by the joint program subject to the approval of his phase II committee.
Methodology seminar
Minimum 3 seminars including 1 in quantitative method et 1 in qualitative method
Or any other equivalent seminar offered by the joint program
Pedagogy seminar
1 seminar
Or any other equivalent seminar offered by the joint program
Responsible conduct of research workshop
1 workshop (uncredited compulsory)
Phase III – Dissertation
- Public presentation of the dissertation proposal
- Writing of the dissertation
- Defence
Phases II and III supervisory committees
The student is supervised by two committees. The Phase II committee validates the student’s coursework, supervises the scientific paper, if required, and administers the comprehensive exam. The Phase III committee (or dissertation committee) supervises the student’s dissertation research work.
These committees generally include at least three professors from the four universities participating in the joint program.
- Full time
- Part time
- Day
- Evening
- Week-end
- On-site
- 100% distance
- Blended
- Blended
- Downtown
- Côte-des-Neiges
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