Programs > PhD in Administration > PhD in Administration — Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship > Students wanted

PhD in Administration – Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Students wanted

You may propose your own research projects. However, this specialization is actively seeking students interested in the research topics listed on this page.



Family business


The Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise is seeking doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of family business, a dominant form of enterprise in today’s global economy. The aims are to better understand the unique advantages, challenges, and strategies of large and small family firms.

Topics of interest include:

  • corporate governance and top teams;
  • distinctive strategies and managerial practices;
  • corporate social responsibility and ethics;
  • gender and ethno-cultural diversity: women, indigenous peoples, immigrants, visible minorities;
  • intergenerational succession and continuity;
  • entrepreneurship, start-ups, and innovation.
Research environment

Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise

Supervising professor

Isabelle Le Breton-Miller

Write to the supervising professor


Information Quebec research chair on demolinguistics and language policies


The Quebec Research Chair on Demolinguistics and Linguistic Policies is looking for doctoral and post-doctoral students. The objectives of the Chair, one of whose co-holders is Sébastien Arcand of HEC Montréal's Management Department, are to study various aspects of the French language at work and in organizations. These include, but are not limited to, the following themes:

  1. Issues and challenges facing non-French-speaking workers in their professional integration.

  1. Workplace practices to promote francization and French as the language of work.

  1. Plurilingualism in the workplace and its effects on the use of French as a working language.

  1. A better understanding of the resources to be mobilized and the impact of francization in the workplace.

  1. The links between diversity management, language policies and interactions in the workplace and elsewhere.

Funding for students to carry out a doctoral or post-doctoral project in line with the above themes, or any other theme related to linguistic and communicative issues in the Quebec context. Possibility of conducting comparative research with other sociolinguistic contexts.

Research environment

The Chair offers a stimulating research environment, with co-investigators from two Quebec academic institutions (HEC Montréal and Université Laval). Co-investigators and collaborating organizations are also associated with the Chair. Various research and transfer activities are offered throughout the program.

Quebec research chair on demolinguistics and language policies

Supervising professor

Sébastien Arcand

Write to the teacher in charge


Organizational transformation and change management


We are recruiting students interested in the study of organizational change. The multi-level individual-team dynamics, from organizational behavior perspectives, in the advancement or hampering of directed or emerging change projects is at the core of our interests.

Research environment

Centre d'études en transformation des organisations (CÉTO)

(Centre for research on organizational transformation)

Supervising professor

Kevin Johnson

Write to the supervising professor


Teaching & Learning in Business Education


Arpège, Research Hub on Management Education, is welcoming doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement and transfer of knowledge in the field of pedagogy in business education.

Topics of interest include:

  • Distance learning and the use of digital technologies in business education,
  • Pedagogical innovations and their impacts on learning,
  • Business educators’ roles and responsibilities;
  • Critical management education;
  • Assessment teaching quality in business education;
  • The development of expertise in teaching & learning
Research environment

Arpège, Pôle de recherche en pédagogie de la gestion (Research Hub on Management Education)

Supervising professor

Anne Mesny

Write to the supervising professor



Regulatory environments of firms


Funding available for students interested in studying how firms adapt to or come to shape their regulatory environment in relation to environmental or social issues, either independently or via their involvement in industry associations or business coalitions more broadly. Can touch upon corporate responses to formal regulation (for ex. Net-Zero Emissions by 2050) or corporate involvement in voluntary regulatory initiatives (Responsible Business Alliance, Maritime Stewardship Council, etc.). Activities of interest include lobbying, public/private partnerships, coalition building, astroturfing, corporate responses to social movement pressures, corporate activism, public relations, etc.

Research environment

Supervising professor

Charlotte Cloutier

Write to the supervising professor


The CEO profession


The Top Executives and Strategic Management Hub is seeking PhD students interested in participating in a project to study various aspects of the work of CEOs and management teams, under the direction of Professor Alaric Bourgoin or Professor Denis Chênevert. Students specializing in both qualitative (ethno, videoethno, interviews, etc.) and quantitative methods are sought.

The Top Executives and Strategic Management Hub is a one-of-a kind research center bridging together former and actual CEOs of leading Canadian organizations, with professors in Strategy, Organizational Behavior and Organizational Theory. This research center will benefit from unparalleled access to Canadian CEOs and top executives thanks to its wide network of participants. The aim of the center is to offer relevant insights to the new generation of CEOs through the production of cutting-edge research on three broad themes:

  • The CEO as an individual (personality, work-like balance, image and status, gender, etc.)
  • The CEO as an architect at the top (strategic orientations, dynamic capabilities, change capabilities, cultural change, etc.)
  • The CEO as a leader of the top management team dynamics (TMT, strategic dialogue, strategy as practice in meetings, collective decision making, etc.)

To get information on our current research projects, we invite you to contact Alaric Bourgoin.

Funding available for PhD students.

Research environment

Executive and strategic management Hub


Strategy and top executives-CEOs


Seeking students interested in studying how social judgments of senior executives affect the quality of their strategic choices. We are particularly interested in understanding how (social) media coverage and market reactions of executives influence subsequent strategic moves, executive behaviour, and organizational performance.

Supervising professor

Russell Fralich

Write to the supervising professor


Rhetoric, Emotions, and Strategic Responses to COVID


How did the public sector respond to and recover from the pandemic? We are seeking one or several talented doctoral fellows to study how the rhetoric of government messaging on COVID-19 was experienced and felt by public sector organizations across Canada - i.e., hospitals, public schools, and universities. Despite a common threat, each province portrayed the need to meet health and economic objectives in a different way. In response, public sector organizations responded in a variety of ways to provincial directives, and sometimes deviated from them. The doctoral fellows would examine these differences across provinces, between sectors, and over time.

Research environment:

This SSHRC-funded project is led by a group of scholars across the country with strengths in both qualitative and textual analysis. The PhD fellows would collaborate with this research team, as well as potentially other PhD fellows. These researchers are:


Teaching & Learning in Business Education


Arpège, Research Hub on Management Education, is welcoming doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement and transfer of knowledge in the field of pedagogy in business education.

Topics of interest include:

  • Distance learning and the use of digital technologies in business education;
  • Pedagogical innovations and their impacts on learning;
  • Business educators’ roles and responsibilities;
  • Critical management education;
  • Assessment teaching quality in business education;
  • The development of expertise in teaching & learning.
Research environment

Arpège, Pôle de recherche en pédagogie de la gestion (Research Hub on Management Education)

Supervising professor

Anne Mesny

Write to the supervising professor


Family business


The Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise is seeking doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of family business, a dominant form of enterprise in today’s global economy. The aims are to better understand the unique advantages, challenges, and strategies of large and small family firms.

Topics of interest include:

  • corporate governance and top teams;
  • distinctive strategies and managerial practices;
  • corporate social responsibility and ethics;
  • gender and ethno-cultural diversity: women, indigenous peoples, immigrants, visible minorities;
  • intergenerational succession and continuity;
  • entrepreneurship, start-ups, and innovation.
Research environment

Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise

Supervising professor

Isabelle Le Breton-Miller

Write to the supervising professor



Economy of ideas


Mosaic, HEC Montréal's Creativity & Innovation Hub, seeks students interested in advancing academic knowledge about the economy of ideas.

The team of associate researchers reflects a diversity of skills and disciplines. Among its interests are:

  • the foundations of the economy of ideas (e.g., innovation processes, open innovation, innovation communities and innovation ecosystems)
  • the management of ideas in businesses (e.g., progression of ideas, new business models and creative entrepreneurship)
  • innovation in cities and territories (e.g., local and global, social innovation and civic creativity)

Opportunities for financial support and access to original fields of research.

Research environment

Mosaic is a platform for research and knowledge sharing on the economy and management of ideas and innovation. Mosaic's activities and research projects are multidisciplinary and include academia, the business community and civil society.

Supervising professors

Patrick Cohendet

Laurent Simon

Write to the supervising professors


Cognitive processes supporting entrepreneurship


The Rogers-J.A. Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship seeks students interested in advancing academic knowledge about entrepreneurship.

Associate researchers to the Chair are particularly interested in studying the cognitive processes supporting:

  • the identification and transformation of entrepreneurial projects
  • decisions to expand a firm’s activities in foreign markets
  • the dynamics influencing the contribution of business angels and other investors to the launch and growth of young high-tech businesses

Possibilities for financial support and access to potential research fields offered by the Chair, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department and the Institute for Entrepreneurship National Bank – HEC Montréal (in French only).

Research environment

Rogers-J.A. Bombardier Chair of Entrepreneurship

Supervising professor

Denis A. Grégoire

or other researchers from the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and the Institute for Entrepreneurship National Bank – HEC Montréal.

Write to the supervising professor


Global innovation networks


Financing is available for students interested in studying global innovation networks and how they evolve and develop over time.

Examples of such networks include:

  • regional innovation ecosystems and industrial clusters;
  • global value chains;
  • economic complexity networks;
  • networks of strategic alliances;
  • patent and scientific paper co-authorship networks.

Chosen students will become part of a global research project that brings together researchers from different institutions, as well as policymakers and industry leaders.

For additional information on the project, please use the contact below.

Research environment

Chair in Global Innovation Networks

Supervising professor

Ekaterina Turkina

Write to the supervising professor


Teaching & Learning in Business Education


Arpège, Research Hub on Management Education, is welcoming doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement and transfer of knowledge in the field of pedagogy in business education.

Topics of interest include:

  • Distance learning and the use of digital technologies in business education,
  • Pedagogical innovations and their impacts on learning,
  • Business educators’ roles and responsibilities;
  • Critical management education;
  • Assessment teaching quality in business education;
  • The development of expertise in teaching & learning
Research environment

Arpège, Pôle de recherche en pédagogie de la gestion (Research Hub on Management Education)

Supervising professor

Anne Mesny

Write to the supervising professor


Family business


The Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise is seeking doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows wishing to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of family business, a dominant form of enterprise in today’s global economy. The aims are to better understand the unique advantages, challenges, and strategies of large and small family firms.

Topics of interest include:

  • corporate governance and top teams;
  • distinctive strategies and managerial practices;
  • corporate social responsibility and ethics;
  • gender and ethno-cultural diversity: women, indigenous peoples, immigrants, visible minorities;
  • intergenerational succession and continuity;
  • entrepreneurship, start-ups, and innovation.
Research environment

Chair of Succession and Family Enterprise

Supervising professor

Isabelle Le Breton-Miller

Write to the supervising professor

Program details
90 Credits
  • Full time
  • Day
Instruction mode
  • On-site
  • Côte-des-Neiges

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