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Winter storm

What you need to know in case of a snow or ice storm

HEC Montréal must anticipate the consequences of snow or ice storms that occur during the winter. That is why, when weather conditions require it, HEC Montréal may decide to suspend or not its courses and activities or to close its buildings.

This decision is communicated:

  • before 6:15 a.m. in case of suspension of morning courses and activities;
  • before 9:30 a.m. in case of suspension of afternoon courses and activities;
  • before 3:30 p.m. in the case of suspension of evening courses and activities.

Various means are used to communicate this decision to members of the university community, including:

The decision to suspend HEC Montréal's operations is based on specific information and criteria, including:

  • the weather conditions and forecast issued by Environment Canada;
  • the state of the electrical network broadcast by Hydro-Québec;
  • the availability of services offered by the public transit companies that serve the territory;
  • the condition of parking lots, streets, avenues and entrances to campus buildings as observed by the Security services personnel.

This decision considers the situation on the territory as a whole.

If no communication is received, please consider that the School is open.

Security Service > Winter storm