You are automatically registered for the Thesis activity every term (fall, winter and summer) from the initial registration to the end of your studies.
The grade obtained for the thesis does not influence the GPA calculation.
Step 1: Responsible conduct of research
Register to the Responsible Conduct of Research: From Norms to Practice seminar in the first term of your MSc program. This workshop is not credited, but is mandatory and a prerequisite to the Research Workshop. An information session is held at the beginning of each term for those registered:
Fall 2024: Tuesday, September 03, 8:30 a.m.
Winter 2025: Wednesday, January 8, 3:30 p.m.
Summer 2025: Monday, May 5, 3:30 p.m.
The following two free workshops are highly recommended:
Step 2: Research workshop
Before completing 21 MSc course credits, register for the research workshop. Consult the thesis Guidelines and requirements to prepare for this activity and learn about the requirements and the milestones of the thesis.
During this workshop, you must:
- register your thesis topic to have it approved in HEC en ligne > Academic Progress > Thesis Portal;
- submit your study plan by the end of the term, as stipulated in ZoneCours.
Step 3: Ethics approval
As a researcher member of the HEC Montréal community, you must declare to the Research Ethics Board (REB) any research thesis involving the participation of human beings or the use of data concerning human beings. With the collaboration of your project director, use this questionnaire to determine if you need to submit your project to the REB.
If REB approval is required, be sure to obtain the following two documents. They will be required at the time of final submission:
- The certificate of ethics approval
- The attestation of completed ethics approval
Step 4: Data collecting and writing
Check out all the resources made available to you in the course outline for this activity in ZoneCours. You will find videos, guides, and slide shows intended to better prepare you and to accompany you in this activity.
Carefully read the thesis Guidelines and requirements to learn about the requirements and the milestones of the thesis.
Writing help tools and thesis models can be found on the library's website.
Are you planning to write your thesis in English?
Justify your request directly in HEC en ligne > Academic Progress > Thesis Portal. This approval is automatic for English specializations.
Are you planning to write your thesis in the form of articles?
Complete the Authorization to write a thesis in the form of articles form and submit it at the Final Submission.
Step 5: Final submission
Confirmation of enrollment
Make sure you are enrolled in the Master’s program in the term in which you are to submit your thesis, and that you have completed the online research workshop.
If your file is inactive and you have not exceeded the deadline of four years, complete the Short Administrative Request form. You will have to pay the tuition fees for the term in which you submit your thesis.
If you have exceeded the deadline, please contact your administration program.
Submission process
The submission process, the evaluation of your thesis and the graduation process can take up to 10 weeks. Please take this into consideration if you need to renew a study permit, submit a post-diploma permit application or confirm your attendance at convocation.
Your supervisor's approval must be received by the deadline.
Term of submission | Winter | Summer | Fall |
Deadlines | April 25, 2025 | August 15, 2025 | December 11, 2025 |
To submit the final version of your thesis:
- Log in to the portal with your HEC Montréal student number and password.
- Complete the form "MSc | Submission of a thesis or supervised project".
- Once you have saved the form, submit it from the portal's "My requests" page.
The submitted version is the version evaluated by the jury and also made public by the library.
Step 6: Thesis evaluation
Under article 3.4.2 of the academic rules and regulations, the jury may:
- Accept the thesis and evaluate it according to the letter-grade system; They may also request minor corrections that you must make within one month.
- Return the thesis and ask you for major corrections to be made; In this case, you must return in your submission request, in the portal and submit the corrected report for final evaluation by the jury within six months from the date on which you were informed of the decision.
- Reject the thesis.
Guides and tools
- MSc program learning objectives and competencies: Goals to be attained in the Msc program.
- Learn using generative artificial intelligence
- Guide for the Evaluation of a Master Program (MSc) Thesis
- Guidelines for writing an academic work at a graduate level: The steps in submitting and presenting your thesis.
- MSc supervisory relationship: How to manage the supervisory relationship that is central to completing a thesis.
- Structure of a conventional thesis or a thesis in the form of articles: A model put together by the library and that you can adapt to your purposes.