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Get started: The job search strategy

You’re getting ready to begin your job search process. But be careful: are you sure you know how to approach your job search?

3 objectives

  • Familiarize yourself with the usual recruiting practices of the targeted professional environment.
  • Take advantage of the multiple opportunities to access available jobs by avoiding the pitfalls that will waste your time and energy.
  • Undertake your search by making optimal use of all the available tools and knowledge.

A tip from Nathalie Kubat, Advisor

Nathalie Kubat

"Don’t limit yourself to answering ads. The vast majority of employers prefer to recruit within their network or that of their employees. Learn how you can tap into the hidden job market!"

Nathalie Kubat, Job Search Strategy Advisor


How to meet these objectives

  • Assess the available positions and establish a list of businesses to approach.
  • Vary your approaches and prioritize those that will more likely give you access to the job market.
  • Get noticed on LinkedIn and during recruiting and networking events.
  • Analyze positions, adapt your CV and send your applications.
  • Prepare your interviews.
  • Evaluate a job offer and negotiate a salary.

Need help?

Career Management Services offers various individual services and workshops to get your job search off to a good start or optimize your job search effort.

Students > Support and resources > Career management > Career development path > Get started: The job search strategy