Le contenu

Institutional fees

Institutional fees


Student association

All students at HEC Montréal are represented by a student association :

  • Certificate program students are represented by the AEPC;
  • BBA and preparatory year students are represented by the AEHEC;
  • Graduate students (enrolled in short diploma (DESS), MSc, and PhD programs) are represented by the AECS;
  • MBA students are represented by the AEMBA.

HEC Montréal students contribute to their associations through their fees. The amount of these contributions is determined by each student association at its annual general meeting.


Civil liability insurance for student associations

Civil liability insurance premiums paid by student associations for their activities. Student Services negotiates this insurance for all student organizations and pays the premium from the special contribution charged to all enrolled students.


HEC Montréal Foundation fundraising campaign

Voluntary student donation to the Leadership Fund, to finance professional and academic student projects and activities. The donation is eligible for a tax deduction and will appear on your tax receipts for tuition fees (T2202A and Relevé 8).

You are may decline to contribute to the fundraising campaign by writing to campagne@hec.ca before paying the invoice. When you write, include your first and last names, HEC student number and the term concerned.

Otherwise, your payment of the invoice indicates that you agree to voluntarily donate to the fundraising campaign.


Copyright fees

HEC Montréal students have access to online learning materials, including case studies, excerpts from books, and articles published in scientific journals. The authors of these materials are compensated under an agreement with the copyright management organization COPIBEC. The fees also go toward procuring licences for the use of cases, and for subscription to the online version of the Harvard Business Review.


Student support and alumni promotion

These fees are covering the personalized structure provided to meet the needs of certain clienteles, measures taken as part of the plagiarism prevention campaign, promotions concerning our students’ and the School’s ranking in various competitions and recognition events, support activities for students in different programs, and part of the costs for graduation ceremonies.


Fees Related to the Sustainable Development Project Fund

The Sustainable Development Project Fund  finances sustainable development projects relevant to student issues and concerns. This new fund was created in February 2018 by the HEC Montréal Student Association Presidents Standing Committee. The School administration has pledged to match each year the student contribution to the fund.


General fees

Fees billed to all students, to cover the cost of forms, official documents, information bulletins and documentation.


Technology fees

The School has acquired excellent technological infrastructure. Students contribute in part through technology fees to ensure the robustness and continuous improvement of this infrastructure.


Gestion journal

All students in the School are entitled to an online discounted subscription of Gestion, an HEC Montréal-affiliated magazine that publishes quality articles on current topics in management. Students may request withdrawal of this subscription.


Student Services

Student Services fees help improve the quality of services provided by the Career Management Services and Student Services, and they are in addition to the grant which is funded by the Government of Quebec. These fees also allow all HEC Montréal students to have access to CEPSUM.

Other fees


Administration fees

Fees charged for administrative requests and requests to retake exams, issue duplicates or revise exam results.

Fee for short administrative requests
(change program, reactivate file, etc.)
Fee for issuing a duplicate diploma
(payable by certified cheque or money order to HEC Montréal)
Fee for reviewing exam results
(if the result is unchanged)
Supplemental exam fee for exchange students $86.91
Supplemental activity fee (per credit) $95.65
Change fees
  • are applicable when you cancel a course or change a course or a section after the enrollment period indicated on the academic calendar.
  • See HEC en ligne during the enrolment period for more information.
  • Do not apply when cancelling a course on the waiting list.


Health insurance from HEC Montréal

All international students must have health insurance coverage, a requirement imposed by the Québec government. The School automatically charges international students fees for this insurance coverage. Students from countries that have signed an agreement with Québec can replace the coverage proposed by HEC Montréal with coverage provided by the Régie de l’Assurance-maladie du Québec (Quebec health insurance plan, RAMQ).


Student association health and dental care plan

Student associations have negotiated a supplementary health care policy for the benefit of their members. The invoice for this policy is automatically added to the student invoice. Students may withdraw from this program, upon request and within the established deadlines.

Students > Tuition fees > Institutional fees