Measuring Beyond Initiative
Expertise and partnerships in measuring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors
HEC Montréal and the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School are partnering to develop knowledge on measuring corporate performance based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. Through this initiative, the partner institutions will also equip business partners with tools for sustainable and responsible management.
ESG criteria: towards more sustainable ways of managing
The ESG criteria measure an organization’s performance on Environmental, Social, and Governance practices. Applying the criteria can be very useful, such as for identifying practices that have a positive impact on the environment, society, and good corporate governance. It can, for example, be used to go beyond the usual financial criteria in pursuit of sustainable and responsible investment.
As calls ramp up internationally for standardization of these measures, HEC Montréal is contributing to the creation of knowledge rooted in its expertise and close relationship with the business community.
A few examples of pratices with integrated ESG factors
Impact of company operations on the environment
- Limits greenhouse gas emissions
- Protects biodiversity
- Uses clean energy
- Conserves water
- Limits the amount of waste produced
Impact of company operations on society
- Offers fair work conditions
- Ensures gender equity
- Treats minorities fairly
- Does not manufacture weapons
Governance factors
- Does not pay executives excessive compensation
- Sets up transparent accounting
- Pays its fair share of taxes
- Fosters a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion
GHG reduction and growth opportunities: report by Pierre-Olivier Pineau
The report Business Emissions Trajectories: Reducing GHGs and Seizing Growth Opportunities was written by Pierre-Olivier Pineau in cooperation with Charlotte Hulin. This document provides an overview of the reasons to take action against climate change. It suggests that businesses redefine their action strategy to optimize future opportunities in a rapidly changing environment.
International standards for evaluating corporate performance
The launch of the Measuring Beyond initiative comes on the heels of the recent arrival in Montréal of the North American office of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). This organization sets international standards for measuring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.
- The academic communities of Saïd Business School (University of Oxford) and HEC Montréal are partnering with the ISSB and large businesses to help develop suitable, comparable, and effective standards.
- A Chair in sustainable finance, held by Iwan Meier, Full Professor for the Department of Finance, was created through this initiative. The Chair’s research focuses on the impact of taking environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns into account on investment performance and investors’ decision making. This research leads to the transfer of knowledge to the business community.
- Montréal firm Lallemand has become the first strategic partner of Measuring Beyond by contributing one million dollars to getting the initiative off the ground.
- In 2023, KPMG made a $600,000 donation to HEC Montréal to support several initiatives contributing to the standardization of ESG factor measurement through research and knowledge transfer projects, notably through the creation of the KMPG Measuring Beyond Space. Learn more
Productive collaboration opportunities
Through Measuring Beyond, HEC Montréal contributes to creating and sharing knowledge that will lead to improved application of standards and translate ESG factor integration into business and corporate social responsibility goals.

“Billions of dollars are being transferred to sustainable investments and the trend is gathering speed. The world is in transition, and it is crucial that managers have an in-depth understanding of the challenges brought by climate change and matters of ESG, as well as the resulting business opportunities.”
Strategic integration of ESG criteria enables us to manage environmental and social risks, but more importantly, it creates new business opportunities. It also creates long-term value for investors, businesses, and stakeholders.
What your organization will gain from this collaboration
- Prepare to integrate ESG factors into your business strategies and performance communications for greater transparency and accountability.
- Make a significant contribution to the momentum of the international movement to define common measures.
- Become a pioneer in designing new business performance measures that are credible and responsible.

2025 Measuring Beyond Conference
Social Impact at the Heart of the Sustainable Transition
February 11, 2025 – 8:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. + Networking cocktail
Join us for a full day of conferences, panels, workshops, and networking on sustainable and responsible management, as part of the Measuring Beyond initiative. The 2025 edition will bring together around twenty leading experts and focus on the 'S' in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance factors), often overlooked in favor of the other two. Don’t miss this unique event in the heart of Montreal to discover concrete examples and innovative initiatives that will transform your business strategies and help build a more just and sustainable future.
To contact the Sustainable Transition Office
Sustainable Transition Office
Côte-Sainte-Catherine building
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Office 3.870 (see floor plan)
Montréal (Quebec) Canada
H3T 2A7