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Articles publiés

“Vacancies, Unemployment and the Phillips Curve” joint with Carl Walsh, European Economic Review 52: 1494-1521, November 2008
"Monetary Policy Choice in Emerging Markets: the Case of High Productivity Growth" joint with Fabio Natalucci, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40:2-3, March/April 2008
“The Recessionary Impact of Stabilizing Inflation” in Recessions: Prospects and Developments, Nerea M. Pérez and June A. Ortega, eds., Nova Publishers, October 2008 (invited paper)
“Learning and Optimal Monetary Policy” joint with Richard Dennis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32: 1964-1994, June 2008
“Vector Autoregressions and Reduced Form Representation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models”, Journal of Monetary Economics 54:7, October 2007
"Asset prices and economic activity in an era of credible monetary policy", India Economy Review 4, September 2007 (invited paper)
“Menu Costs at Work: Restaurant Prices and the Introduction of the Euro”, Joint with Bart Hobijn and Andrea Tambalotti, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121:3, August 2006
"Optimal Monetary Policy with the Cost Channel" joint with Carl Walsh, Journal of Monetary Economics 53:2, March 2006
"Nuove e Vecchie Favole sul Tasso di Cambio: Modelli Economici e Random Walk", joint with Francesco Cannata, Quaderni di Ricerca Osservatorio e Centro di Studi Monetari 61, July
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