“Vacancies, Unemployment and the Phillips Curve” joint with Carl Walsh, European Economic Review 52: 1494-1521, November 2008 |
"Monetary Policy Choice in Emerging Markets: the Case of High Productivity Growth" joint with Fabio Natalucci, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 40:2-3, March/April 2008 |
“The Recessionary Impact of Stabilizing Inflation” in Recessions: Prospects and Developments, Nerea M. Pérez and June A. Ortega, eds., Nova Publishers, October 2008 (invited paper) |
“Learning and Optimal Monetary Policy” joint with Richard Dennis, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32: 1964-1994, June 2008 |
“Vector Autoregressions and Reduced Form Representation of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models”, Journal of Monetary Economics 54:7, October 2007 |
"Asset prices and economic activity in an era of credible monetary policy", India Economy Review 4, September 2007 (invited paper) |
“Menu Costs at Work: Restaurant Prices and the Introduction of the Euro”, Joint with Bart Hobijn and Andrea Tambalotti, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121:3, August 2006 |
"Optimal Monetary Policy with the Cost Channel" joint with Carl Walsh, Journal of Monetary Economics 53:2, March 2006 |
"Nuove e Vecchie Favole sul Tasso di Cambio: Modelli Economici e Random Walk", joint with Francesco Cannata, Quaderni di Ricerca Osservatorio e Centro di Studi Monetari 61, July 1995 |