hec.ca > Corps professoral

Francesca Bonetti

Professeure adjointe,  Département de marketing

Francesca Bonetti


HEC Montréal
3000, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H3T 2A7

Courriel : francesca.bonetti@hec.ca
Téléphone : 514 340-6776
Secrétariat: 514 340-6413
Télécopieur : n/d
Bureau : 4.768

Autre(s) titre(s)

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  • Ph. D. (design textile, mode et gestion), Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Manchester
  • Post Graduate Certificate (pratique académique en art, design et communication), University of the Arts London
  • M. Litt. (marketing), University of St Andrews
  • B. A. (langues et cultures européennes), University of Modena

Recherche actuelle

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Cette sélection de publications couvre les 5 dernières années.


Articles de revues (7)

BONETTI, Francesca, PERRY, Patsy, WARNABY, Gary; « Managerial approaches and sociotechnical implications of the adoption of consumer-facing in-store technology in organizational processes: the case of fashion retail », Information Technology & People, vol. 38, no 1, 2025, p. 116-136.

CHENG, Zixuan Mia, BONETTI, Francesca, DE REGT, Anouk, LO RIBEIRO, Joel, PLANGGER, Kirk; « Principles of responsible digital implementation: Developing operational business resilience to reduce resistance to digital innovations », Organizational Dynamics, vol. 53, no 2, 2024, p. 1-8.

BONETTI, Francesca, SIRIMAL SILVA, Emmanuel, PANTANO, Eleonora, MARIKYAN, Davit; « Starting a relationship with AI! Exploring consumer’s attitude towards digital human stylists », International Journal of Technology Marketing, vol. 18, no 4, 2024, p. 371-398.

BONETTI, Francesca, MONTECCHI, Matteo, PLANGGER, Kirk, SCHAU, Hope Jensen; « Practice co-evolution: Collaboratively embedding artificial intelligence in retail practices », Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 51, no 4, 2023, p. 867-888.

MONTECCHI, Matteo, BONETTI, Francesca, PLANGGER, Kirk, SCHAU, Hope Jensen; « Creating discursive channels: generating and disseminating impactful research insights into the strategic sales enablement of retail technology », European Journal of Marketing, vol. 56, no 9, 2022, p. 2515-2532.

SIRIMAL SILVA, Emmanuel, BONETTI, Francesca; « Digital humans in fashion: Will consumers interact? », Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 60, 2021, p. 1-11.

BONETTI, Francesca, PANTANO, Eleonora, WARNABY, Gary; « Augmenting reality: fusing consumers' experiences and interactions with immersive technologies in physical retail settings », International Journal of Technology Marketing, vol. 13, no 3-4, 2020, p. 260-284.

Cette sélection d'activités d'encadrement couvre les 5 dernières années.

Automne 2024

Automne 2023